Intimate 02 - Intimate Surrender

Free Intimate 02 - Intimate Surrender by Laura Landon

Book: Intimate 02 - Intimate Surrender by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
turned and faced her friends. “I intend to leave first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, I sent my carriage and driver back to London with instructions not to return until the two weeks were over. May I have the use of a carriage and driver to take me home?”
    “Are you sure you can’t stay?” Caroline asked.
    “I’m sure,” Hannah answered. “I should never have come.”
    “Yes, you should have.” Grace rushed to her side and gave her a warm hug. “You are always welcome in any of our homes. Don’t ever forget that.”
    “I know I’m always welcome,” Hannah said when both Grace and Caroline released her. “But that doesn’t change how things are now. I need to leave. I’m not brave enoughto see the disgust and revulsion on Lord Rafe’s face when he discovers my identity.”
    “He won’t—”
    Hannah held up her hand to stop Grace’s and Caroline’s denials. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t wish to be around when he finds out.”
    “Very well,” Caroline said. “I’ll have a carriage ready for you whenever you want to leave.”
    “At dawn,” Hannah said. “I’ll be ready to leave by dawn.”
    “You’re certain?” Caroline asked again.
    Hannah nodded. “I’m certain.”
    Caroline and Grace gave her a final hug, then left.
    When she was alone, she collapsed on her bed and curled in a tight ball. She wanted to laugh at the cruel joke God had played on her by placing Rafe in her life. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t find any humor in the feelings his kisses had awakened.

Chapter 7

    R afe glanced at the group of women approaching and smiled, although the last thing he felt like doing was being cheerful. The disappointment he experienced was overwhelming. She hadn’t come down from her room yet. Perhaps she was more ill than Caroline’s sister Mary thought. All he knew was that she’d retired early last night, complaining that she didn’t feel well and wanted to rest. No one had seen her since she’d gone to her room.
    “So what opinion have you drawn of her?” Thomas asked from behind him.
    “Lady Laurin. The young woman your sister-in-law has invited to tempt you into joining the ranks of the married instead of enjoying your freedom as a single person.”
    Rafe looked at the charming young lady walking between Caroline and the Duchess of Raeborn and smiled. “She’s very pretty.”
    “That’s all? Just pretty?”
    “No, she’s very pretty—and very young.”
    Thomas laughed. “That’s what I told Caroline when she informed me she was going to invite Lady Laurin. But she’s convinced Lady Laurin’s other attributes will outweigh your age difference.”
    “What attributes would those be?” Rafe asked.
    “The fact that my wife, as well as Lady Laurin’s mother, considers the two of you perfect for each other.”
    “I’m always amazed at how expertly everyone seems to know which two people are perfect for each other. Do they ever consider that the people involved are the only ones who are privy to such information?”
    Thomas shook his head. “I don’t think it enters their minds. They are too intent on forcing the bonds of matrimony on every acquaintance they know.”
    “Perhaps, when you have a chance to speak privately with your wife, you can inform her that she may cease her matchmaking schemes. They are no longer needed.”
    Thomas clasped his hand on Rafe’s shoulder and turned him toward him. “Are you hinting that there’s already someone you’re interested in?”
    “It’s possible.”
    “Do I know her?”
    “Is there anyone you
    Thomas laughed. “I grant you that my circle of acquaintances is rather extensive, but there are undoubtedly a few people with whom I’m not familiar. Is the lady who has captured your interest someone I know?”
    Rafe smiled. “Perhaps.”
    “This is indeed cause for celebration,” Thomas said. “Wait until Caroline hears that you have found someone on your own. When

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