Kiss and Tell

Free Kiss and Tell by Suzanne Brockmann

Book: Kiss and Tell by Suzanne Brockmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Brockmann
fifty thousand from the bank. Ever since our little savings and loan got bought out by that big corporate bank, people are getting turned down for loans left and right. Can you imagine? The town
refused a mortgage because he’s not solvent enough.” She was silent for a moment, shaking her head. “Let me tell you, there’s hardly anyone in town who doesn’t owe Marshall Devlin money. If he called in all of his loans and got tough with his accounts receivable, he’d be solvent enough, believe me. But he’ll never do that. Not while times are so tough.”
    Nancy started talking about the Kavanaughs’ new baby, but Leila’s mind was still on Marsh. Simon had hinted that Marsh’s books needed an overhaul, but he hadn’t said anything about problems with the insurance company or loans being turned down by the bank. That was bad. That was
bad. If he needed help, why hadn’t he simply asked?
    The sound of the outside shower going on caught Nancy’s attention, and she put the pitcher of lemonade and four tall glasses on a tray. “Grab a couple of towels from the hall closet,” she ordered Leila as she carried the tray out onto the wide, wraparound porch.
    The screen door squeaked as Leila pushed it open. She walked across the dusty drive to the outside of the barn, carrying two thick towels in her arms. Marsh was standing under an outdoor spigot, letting the water cascade over his head.
    He stood back slightly, pushing the hair out of his eyes and caught sight of Leila watching him. He smiled a greeting.
    “Is the mare okay?”
    “She’s not too happy with us right now.” Marsh let the water rinse the rest of the mud and muck from his body. “But I think she’s feeling a little better.”
    He shut off the faucet and wiped the water from his hair and face with his hands. Leila held out one of the towels, but he didn’t take it right away. He stood for a moment and dripped, smiling at her.
    Standing there with sparkling beads of water running from his hair down his broad shoulders and strong, muscular arms, it was easy to see why Nancy Sullivan found Marsh so attractive. He
attractive. But even more attractive than his obvious physical attributes was his intense pleasure at a job well done. As unpleasant as treating a horse with colic might be, Marsh truly enjoyed the fact that he’d been able to help.
    “I don’t know you very well at all, do I?” Leila said as he finally took the towel from her hands.
    He was drying his face, but her words made him pause and look up at her.
    “I had no idea you subbed for the veterinarian when he was off the island.” Leila hung the second towel on a hook near the shower.
    “The local vet retired two years ago. If the vet from the mainland can’t get over here—and he usually can’t, it’s a three-hour round-trip for him—I’m the closest thing to a vet there is on Sunrise Key.”
    “And you’ve been doing this for two

    Marsh smiled. “I’m pretty good with horses and dogs. Chickens and pigs, however, continue to be something of a challenge.”
    “I’m amazed,” Leila said.
    “I’ve actually taken a few of those college courses in veterinary medicine. You know, the courses that link you to the professor via the Internet. It’s fascinating stuff, Leila. And I truly love working with the horses—even at times like this, when it can get rather nasty. Say, did you know I’ve learned to ride?”
    “It’s indescribable. Incredible. Riding on the beach, it’s like flying, only better.” He smiled sheepishly as he dried the back of his neck with the towel. “You probably think I’ve gone absolutely mad.”
    “No, I don’t.” Leila laughed, shaking her head. “I’m just surprised. I didn’t think you got this passionate about

    Marsh’s smile faded and he turned slightly away from her.
    “I didn’t mean—”
    “Yes, you did mean it.” His voice was gentle, contradicting the harshness of his

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