about Keaton as soon as he’d learned of her from Fernandez. Casey had arrived in a rental car and was in room four. She was American and blonde. That was the extent of the available info a dozen hours ago.
    He didn’t know much more about her now…which was exactly why splitting up was a bad idea. “We should stick together.” She stared at him like he’d lost his mind. “Just in case.”
    Her gaze narrowed. “Sure. Yeah. Good idea.” She gave him her back and hurried along the corridor.
    She’d seen right through that one. He probably would’ve been disappointed if she hadn’t. She’d been damned sharp so far.
    She dug the key to her room from the funky bag she carried. Really worn leather with fringe on the flap that closed over the bag’s zipper. Cute, kind of.
    “Gimme ninety seconds.”
    “I’ll be right here.” Levi leaned against the open door frame so he could keep an eye on the hall outside the room. Casey dashed around the room snatching up discarded clothes. She pulled out the bottom drawer of the night table next to her bed and removed a 9mm. Lifting her skirt, she removed a thigh holster before tucking them both into her bag, then she moved to the desk.
    If she could pull her stuff together in ninety seconds he would really be impressed. In his experience, women generally had their stuff strewn all over a place like they were marking their territory. He, on the other hand, would grab his carry-on bag and be good to go. And men were the ones accused of marking their territory. Not the case at all when it came to living space.
    “I’m ready. Where’s your room?”
    Startled from his men-travel-light musings, he straightened from the door and glanced around the room. “You got everything?”
    “Got it. Now which room is yours?” she asked while he was still dawdling there trying to decide whether he could believe his eyes and ears.
    He hitched a thumb. “One.”
    She sidled past him and out the door. “What’re we waiting for? Let’s get a move on.”
    Levi kicked himself into gear and gained a lead on her. His room was on the other end of the corridor past the main staircase. He fished the key from his pocket and opened the door. While he crossed the room and snagged his still packed bag, she waited at the door just as he’d done at her room.
    One last, quick survey and he was done.
    “Ready.” He approached the door, expecting her to step aside.
    “You don’t have access to the verandah.” She shrugged. “Too bad. You missed an awesome view. Who booked your room?”
    He wasn’t falling for that one. “We shouldn’t risk waking anyone.” The longer they stood around here talking the greater the possibility.
    She turned and sauntered to the staircase, boosting the sass in her step by at least ten degrees. Every single one of those degrees raised his internal thermostat. This lady was going to be extremely difficult to handle and they were only getting started.
    Levi reached the truck first so he claimed the driver’s seat. No offense to her driving skill, but he preferred driving versus riding with a virtual stranger.
    He checked the back and beneath the seat to see that all was in order. The street was still dark and empty. If luck remained on their side, they might survive this somewhat unorthodox alliance.
    Maybe the next four and a half to five hours on the road with nothing to do but chat or ride in silence would reveal more about this mystery lady. He needed a lot more to fully appraise his position. She had already shown that getting information wasn’t going to be easy.
    Five minutes passed with nothing but that silence he’d figured he was in for and then out of the blue she started to talk. “It’ll be close to daylight by the time we get to Acapulco.” She dug around in her bag. “We can find a hotel near the club and shower and change. If she’s a nightclub dancer she’s probably not an early riser. That’ll work to our benefit, assuming she doesn’t get

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