
Free Marked by Kim Richardson

Book: Marked by Kim Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Richardson
couldn’t believe her eyes, she felt like she had just witnessed a really good visual effects stunt.
    David pulled her up on her feet. “You’re an angel , what did you expect, blood? You have no blood—you’re not human anymore.”
    “Right—I—I forgot. I’m not human anymore.” Kara stared at her arm where the cut had disappeared. She passed her hand along her skin. She smirked. “Wow. I’m like a super hero. A super-hero chick!”
    “Whatever makes you happy.”
    Kara was surprised to find that she enjoyed the training sessions with David Her many injuries healed themselves and remarkably, she developed a knack for it. The moves suddenly made sense. Her reflexes were good, and she could keep up with David.
    A crowd of GAs grew slowly and formed a circle around Kara and David. Her neurons acted up. She felt prickling all over her body. She hated having any kind of attention on her. A tall and powerful looking older teen guardian angel stepped out from the crowd. He walked up to the David and Kara with a grin on his face. His brown hair shimmered in the sun. Two golden stars flashed on his forehead.
    “Wow, pretty good for a rookie. But then again, your teacher lacks discipline—any rookie could beat him,” he laughed as he turned and encouraged the crowd to laugh as well. He turned his handsome face and eyeballed Kara.
    “Care to test your skills on me? Unless of course, your Petty Officer is afraid I’ll make him look bad in front of his peers?”
    He flashed his gleaming white teeth at David. A few GAs snickered.
    David pursed his lips. Kara saw hatred in his eyes as he stepped up to the angel. “Don’t you have a hair appointment, or something, Benson? Stop wasting our time, douche bag,” he said, as he shifted his sword between his hands, menacingly. He looked at Kara momentarily and gave her a wink.
    A second later, Benson pulled out a gleaming silver sword. “Always a wise ass.”
    The crowd around him dispersed. His face twisted up in concentration. He bared his teeth in a snarl, with his eyes glued on David.
    “What is this, a testosterone fight in Horizon?” Kara took a step towards them, lifting her hands in the air with her palms facing outwards. “Okay, boys, let’s not do anything stupid. We’re in a happy place, right? There’s no need for this.”
    Benson flicked his attention to Kara. His tawny eyes glittered as he stared her down. He studied her with a strange look in his eyes. “I see why you’ve picked this one—she’s pretty . We all know what you do to the pretty ones.”
    Kara frowned and watched David’s reaction. She couldn’t read his face under all the angry wrinkles.
    “I’d mind my own business if I were you.” David growled.
    “It is my business. She was my friend . I knew what you were doing to her!”
    “What?” said Kara. “David—what is he talking about?”
    And without warning, Benson charged forward and kicked David hard in the stomach. Kara watched in horror as David stumbled backwards. He regained his balance quickly and stepped back into the fighting circle, his blade grasped tightly in his hand.
    Benson’s face cracked into a sly smile. “I’m surprised the Legion even gave you a rookie, after what happened to Sarah. I always said you were going to get one of us killed! What you did to her was unforgivable. You broke our most sacred law!”
    He turned his head and read the puzzlement on Kara’s face.
    “Oh? So she doesn’t know? You’re better off looking for another petty officer, Rookie. Love affairs are forbidden in Horizon.”
    Kara looked at David and saw a flash of fury in his eyes as he threw himself at Benson.
    “ANGELS!” an oracle bellowed, “what is going on here?”
    “Nothing, oracle,” answered Benson, with the face of an angel. “We’re practicing combat maneuvers—that’s all.”
    The oracle’s blue eyes went from Benson to Kara to David, before going back to Benson. The oracle pursed his lips and cocked an

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