Scorched Earth: (The Human Chronicles Saga Book #16)

Free Scorched Earth: (The Human Chronicles Saga Book #16) by T.R. Harris

Book: Scorched Earth: (The Human Chronicles Saga Book #16) by T.R. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.R. Harris
traveled with less than a dozen escorts, and if Andis lo Pindoc was indeed a sector chief, then he probably had double that at his disposal.
    There were several electric transports at the spaceport. Adam sent Riyad and Morgan off in one of them to recover the Mark VII, and then to fly cover if any Juireans appeared in the skies above the palace. Then he sent Paulson back to the building to grab all the bulk food supplies he could find for the ship’s processors. He also tasked him with gathering up all the loose gold he could find within the palace. None of the Humans had any money, and even in a galaxy full of the gold, the yellow metal still carried substantial intrinsic value on a multitude of worlds.
    “What are you going to do?” Riyad asked as he hopped into the open-air cart for the overland sprint to the Mark VII.
    “I’m going to have a talk with some of the natives in town. They helped the Juireans find Andy. I can’t let that go unpunished.”
    “Don’t take too long. This place will be swarming with mane-heads in a matter of minutes.”
    “Don’t worry. I’m not in a very talkative mood.”
    The local native town also had the distinction of the being the largest on the planet. The natives weren’t very sophisticated, just simple creatures whose only claim to fame was their culinary skills at preparing incredible meals out of the huge, ostridge-like birds that roamed the area.
    During the few weeks he’d spent at the palace, Adam had met several of the town leaders. They all wanted to meet the famous Adam Cain, savior of the galaxy from the Sol-Kor menace.
    Now they were going to meet to a new Adam Cain, an even deadlier Adam Cain.
    The town was abuzz with news of the assault on the palace. They’d heard gunfire and the huge explosions, followed by the sudden departure of the Juirean warships. Now they lined the main street, coming to watch Adam’s march to the government building near the town square. Most recognized him as the Human who had journeyed to another dimension and personally destroyed the Sol-Kor Colony. Of course, most of the stories they heard ranged from simple embellishments to all out fantasies. But the one common thread that ran through all of them: Adam Cain was a killer. Even still, there were females and children, young and old there to see him. There was celebration in the air.
    Adam approached the central government building where the planetary executive lived and worked. Adam wasn’t surprised when Lofis Crondillic came out to greet him at the top of the steps.
    “My friend, Adam Cain, you have returned,” the short, purple creature greeted. Although he tried to hide it, his voice trembled with fear.
    Adam didn’t stop on the landing; instead he walked right up to Lofis, wrapped a strong hand around his thick neck and pinned him against the outer wall of the building, his feet dangling a foot off the deck.
    Several dozen natives had followed Adam up the street; now they gasped.
    “You’re working with the Juireans,” Adam growled at the shocked native.
    “No,” Lofis squeaked. “We are your friends, as before.”
    “Bullshit! Your people led the Juireans to Admiral Tobias and the others.”
    “We did not—”
    “Stop lying. Two of our men survived and saw your people with the Juireans.”
    The eyes of the native were wild with fear. “You left. The Juireans were here. We had no choice.”
    “Did you help them?”
    Lofis diverted his manic eyes. “I…I assisted, although the main search duties were reserved for the young among us. I am too old to tread the forest these days.”
    Adam lowered Lofis and released him. He turned to the crowd that had formed on the street below the landing. They recoiled from his intense, savage stare.
    “I’ve just killed the Overlord and more than fifty Juirean Guards,” he yelled out, his strong, angry voice echoing down the street. “You no longer have to fear the Juireans.”
    The crowd cheered…until

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