One Twisted Valentine
ass, her beautiful softness bulging slightly between
his fingers. He was sliding his thick shaft out of her, pausing for
just a brief moment, then pushing back in to the hilt. With each
cycle, her head would press against the glass, making the frame
bang quietly and her voice erupt in an animal squeal.
    Eva drank it all in from between Brooke’s thighs. On
her knees in front of their lover, her tongue and fingers shifted
Brooke’s clit back and forth as Peter fucked her. She slid her
fingers up Brooke’s thighs, interlacing hers with Peter’s even as
he still held Brooke where he wanted her. Their fingers brushed and
held, like two lovers holding hands on a park bench, as they drew
Brooke’s screaming orgasm from her.
    Eva remembered all of this and in a blink realized
she had missed ten minutes of the meeting. I’ll have to be
careful from here on, Eva realized.
    Since beginning their … relationship…? with Brooke,
Eva was surprised at how much it resembled regular dating. One of
the first things Eva ever learned about sex was it usually got
better the more times you had it with the same person. This was no
    Through their sessions, Peter and Eva got to know
Brooke, her likes, desires and quirks. Each time Brooke left, Eva
was thrilled to rediscover fucking another woman didn’t dull
Peter’s appetite for her. In fact, it fanned his greed for her. It
had gotten to the point Eva almost wanted the post-threesome sex
more than the threesomes themselves. But on reflection, the last
few weeks had given Eva more sexual gratification than she had ever
had the right to expect.
    The experience had also given a gift which lingered
in every aspect of her life, one Eva could never have imagined
before threesomes became a regular feature in her life. In the
afterglow, she was more secure, more happy, more satisfied now that
Peter regularly tasted Brooke’s charms as well as her own.
    That was the germ of Eva’s twisted scenario. She
floated it with Brooke first.
    “What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?” Eva texted
her one day.
    “My laundry probably, LOL,” Brooke responded. “What
about you and P?”
    “I was hoping we could have you,” Eva replied. In the
silence, waiting for Brooke to respond, Eva felt a pang of worry.
What if it was too weird to bring her in on a day to celebrate true
love? Would it seem stalkery? The fear vanished with Brooke’s next
    “I would love to be with you two. To be honest I was
hoping we could, but I didn’t want to impose.”
    “Nonsense. I want you with us,” Eva texted. “I’ll
call you in a sec. I have an idea.”
    When she did call, Brooke loved every single thing
about Eva’s scenario.
    “Oh, my God, that’s kinky. Jesus, that is good. I
love it,” Brooke said when Eva finished. “But are you sure? I would
hate to damage… what we have. I mean, I’ll do it, but I want to
make sure it’s what you want.”
    “Definitely,” Eva said. “I don’t know what it is, but
something about it is just so… Yum. Seems like an interesting way
to switch things up.”
    “That’s for sure,” Brooke said, laughing. “I better
start straightening up.”
    Eva’s next step was to convince Peter. Given it
involved him spending the evening alone with two beautiful, naked,
willing women, she knew he would agree.

Chapter 2

    Over dinner that night, after laying out her plan,
Eva began to wonder if Peter would be interested after all. For a
long moment he sat silent with a bewildered frown.
    “Wait a minute. Wait. Wait,” he said. “You want me to
pretend I’m Brooke’s husband, and you’re coming over for dinner,
and we’re going to seduce you?”
    “Yes,” Eva said. “You and Brooke cook dinner, then I
come over and you two try to talk me into bed.”
    “Try? What if we fail?” Peter laughed. “We give you a
hug at the door and send you on your way? ‘Sorry, hon,’ I’ll tell
Brooke. ‘Sometimes the chemistry just isn’t right. Threesomes

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