GG01 - Sudden Anger

Free GG01 - Sudden Anger by Jack Parker

Book: GG01 - Sudden Anger by Jack Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Parker
Tags: Mystery
than her husband she was probably more attached to his money than to him. She certainly looked like a gold-digger. Then again, if she'd come home to find she'd been robbed she
already be quite emotional. Could there be a connection? He allowed himself his opinions, but wouldn't let them interfere with the facts.
    "I'm afraid so, Ma'am," he said. "He was found shot to death outside the gates of the Bixby mansion this afternoon."
    "Shot!" Cindy said. "He had an appointment with Mr. Bixby this afternoon at 2:00. We were just saying that he should've been home by now." She was quiet for a minute before saying, "Now we know why he wasn't."
    Jennifer had returned her head to her arms and was crying again.
    "Yes, Ma'am," Ken said. "We know about the meeting, it was Bixby's staff that found the body and called us. I know this is a bad time, Mrs. Greene. But did your husband have any enemies? Anyone that might've wanted to kill him?"
    Jennifer sat up and sniffled, tried to compose herself. "My husband was a generous and friendly man," she said. "He made a lot of money, I suppose there are people who thought, I mean, he might've done some things they didn't like. He liked to flaunt his money, maybe it, like, made someone mad."
    Tears started running down her face again. "Please excuse me, Officer," she said in a shaky voice. "I need to go get a tissue." She got up and left the room.
    "Ms. Stone, did you know Mr. Greene?" Ken asked. "Can you think of anyone who might've wanted to kill him?"
    Cindy pondered the question for a minute. "Yes Sir, I knew him. Jen's my best friend, I was over here quite a lot. Jen wouldn't say it, but Charles wasn't really a nice man. He
of himself that way, but the only person he really cared about was himself. He could be very generous, that's true - but he only did it to show off or so he'd get some favor down the line."
    "He cheated on Jen," she continued. "
his first wife, that's why she divorced him. He drinks quite a bit, too. I don't know it for a fact, but I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated anyone else if he had the chance, especially if there was money involved. He certainly lied to Jen, he probably lies to others, too." She smiled a little cynically. "I think that goes with the territory of selling insurance, don't you? Anything to make the sale."
    Ken agreed that salesmen
have that reputation. "Sounds like there are a lot of possibilities. Do you know of anyone in particular?" he asked.
    "No," Cindy replied. "I don't think Charles much liked me, so I didn't hang around when he got home. I don't know anything about his professional life, I'm afraid I can't help you there."
    Jennifer came back in, her eyes dry and makeup repaired. "I'm sorry, Officer," she said sweetly. "I'll try to answer your questions now. She sat down demurely.
    "I was asking if your husband had any enemies that you knew of," he said.
    "Charles? No," she replied. "Of course I don't know about work, but, like, he seemed to get along with everyone. Well, George, the, um, guy next door, he always complained about the noise when we, like, had a party." Jennifer smiled brightly. "We always invited him, but I guess he's just a party pooper."
    "So, tell me about the break-in," Ken said.
    "Well, there's not much to tell," Jennifer replied. "I mean, I came home and the house was all torn up and all my jewelry was gone."
    "What time did you come home?" he asked.
    "It was 2:45," she said. "I remember looking at the clock in the car when I got here, because I had a lot of stuff to do." She started crying softly again. "We were supposed to celebrate his big sale tonight. Oh, I don't even know if he made the sale or not!"
    "Yes, Ma'am," Ken said. "Mr. Bixby signed the contract and your husband left at 3:00. A staff member noticed his car was still in the driveway around 4:00, went to check on it and found the body." He paused a moment, then said as diplomatically as he could, "I have to ask this, Mrs. Greene. Is there

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