The Sect (The Craig Crime Series)

Free The Sect (The Craig Crime Series) by Catriona King

Book: The Sect (The Craig Crime Series) by Catriona King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catriona King
microphone picked up everything in the room.
    “Hello, sir, it’s Inspector McElroy here.” It wouldn’t be soon. She’d be returning to her maiden name Eakin ASAP.
    Yemi’s voice held a smile. “Hello, Annette. I’m looking forward to meeting you; Marc’s always singing your praises.”
    She blushed and carried on. “We’ll be over tomorrow evening, sir, but I was just wondering something. How, if Ershov wore a wire supplied by The Met and the tape was transcribed by The Met, can The Met’s lawyers now abandon the appeal? You were involved at the moment of Greer’s arrest at Heathrow so surely you’d have to testify about the tape and arrest at least?”
    They all heard Yemi thump the desk.
    “Exactly! That’s what we’re arguing about with the solicitors. They want us just to send a written statement but I believe there’s merit in me being there to speak in court.” His voice hardened as he said the words, as if he’d made a decision. “Oh bugger it, Marc. I’m going to court whether they like it or not. Someone besides you has to testify about Greer’s demeanour and actions that day. She knew exactly what she was doing when she confessed to Ershov, even if he did give her a bit of encouragement.”
    Craig smiled, remembering Yemi’s performances in court from when he’d been at The Met. He would have the jury eating out of his hand.
    “Can you swing it with Chandak?”
    “It’s what he already wants so he’ll enjoy telling the lawyers where to stick their advice. If we’re lucky he might even come over for the trial.”
    Craig pictured the ebullient brummie superintendent and smiled. Rajiv Chandak was extrovert enough in normal conversation so his court performance would be a treat. A warning buzz signalled that their call was ending so Yemi wound it up.
    “Time to go. I’ll see you all after Easter. I’ll come over on the Thursday morning so we’ll have time to brief. Goodbye, Annette. Jake.”
    As his voice faded away Craig turned to the others for comment. Jake shook his head.
    “He’ll be lucky if he’s allowed to come, sir. Lawyers can exert a lot of pressure.”
    Craig nodded, knowing that he was right, but Annette was more optimistic.
    “We’ll have the transcripts ready to go anyway. I’m hopeful that he’ll get here.”
    Craig glanced at the clock. “It’s almost noon, Jake, you need to leave.”
    Jake sighed like a man who would rather be signalling traffic than going where he had to be that afternoon. As he rose Craig followed.
    “I’ll see you at the church at three.”
    Annette touched the young sergeant’s elbow. “I’ll be there too, Jake. Now go; your granny will be wondering where you are.”
    When he’d left Craig held up the percolator and Annette accepted the offer of coffee gratefully. She re-opened the file in front of her assuming that they would be talking about Greer, only to be surprised when Craig shook his head.
    “How are you, Annette?”
    She stared at him, puzzled by the concern in his eyes. Then she remembered that her decree nisi was just through and to the outside world ending a marriage of twenty years seemed like a big deal. It would have been a big deal if she’d still loved Pete, but the moment he’d pushed her to the floor and stamped on her hand, whatever love she’d had left after his affair had been snuffed out.
    The suddenness of its demise had surprised her. She’d loved Peter James McElroy for twenty years, really loved him. Through the early years of financial struggle, laughing into the night over beans on toast and a bottle of Liebfraumilch, through the joy of having Amy and Jordan and watching them grow into caring, bright teens. She’d loved every minute of it and wouldn’t wish it away for the world, but…
    When had her love begun to die? It hadn’t been through habit or boredom, or the apathy that had infected many of her friends’ marriages. She’d been too sensible to let things like that destroy their bond,

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