The Italian Duke's Virgin Mistress

Free The Italian Duke's Virgin Mistress by Penny Jordan

Book: The Italian Duke's Virgin Mistress by Penny Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Jordan
better of her. ‘The people of the town are fortunate to have you to do something so generous, and I…I feel that I am fortunate too, to be a part of such a project,’ she admitted.
    Now it was Raphael’s turn to look away from her. Her honesty surprised him. He hadn’t been expecting it, and nor had he been expecting her open emotional reaction to the garden. Perhaps, after all, he did have the right person to manage the project—a person who had just shown him that she was capable of being touched to the deepest part of herself by what had once been and what was now lost. Such a person would give everything she had to give to a project that engaged her emotions. And to the man who engaged them as well?
    Charlotte Wareham’s sexual passions were hers to give to whomsoever she chose and no concern of his, Raphael reminded himself. It was as a project manager that he was interested in her, and not as a bedmate.
    ‘If you’re serious about the lake—’ Charley began, breaking into the silence.
    ‘I am.’
    ‘My guess is that the restoration work will require the advice of proper experts who have experience in that kind of work. There is a team booked to come in and start clearing all the mess away, but I don’t think they will be the right people to deal with the lake. It might be best to get in touch with…Well, in England I’d probably try English Heritage or the National Trust. Any organisation with artistic appreciation, that believes in the importance of preserving the heritage we’ve been left by artists of the past, couldn’t help but want to be part of a project like this one. It would have been a dream come true for me when I was studying Fine Art.’
    She was intelligent, and proactive, but above all her passion for the project was so strong that it shone from her eyes and could be heard in her voice. Why on earth would a woman who felt as she so obviously did give up her Fine Arts degree to study accountancy, and then take a job that involved her in projects calling for the appalling replicas he had seen her with? Raphael wondered, his probing mind curious against his better judgement. There was something here that didn’t add up. His curiosity aroused, Raphael decided to put his suspicions to the test.
    ‘Feeling as you so obviously do, it must have beenhard for you to give up your Fine Arts course?’ he began, deliberately making his question sound casual.
    Still wrapped in the emotions the garden had evoked, and in the understanding and harmony they had shared, Charley forgot to be on her guard, and responded without thinking.
    ‘Yes, it was.’
    She was shocked back to reality when Raphael asked, ‘Then why did you?’
    His question made her suddenly aware of the foolish relaxation of her guard, and she was doubly a fool for having let him see just how much the garden had affected her.
    ‘You don’t answer? Why not, I wonder? Is it perhaps because there is something you wish to hide? Perhaps it was not so much that you decided to change to another course, but that you were requested to do so by your tutors.’
    Stung by Raphael’s subtle allegation that she had had to drop her course because she had not been good enough, Charley told him fiercely, ‘No. It was nothing like that.’
    ‘Then what was it like? You are in effect now working under my command. I have a right to ask this question and to receive a truthful answer,’ Raphael pressed.
    Charley lifted her hands in a gesture of defeat.
    ‘Very well then. If you must know, I applied for the course without telling my family what I was going to be studying. They thought…That is to say I really wanted to do an arts degree and study Fine Arts, but I knew my father would laugh at me, and say that I wasfar too much of a clumsy tomboy to be allowed anywhere near fine art. My sisters are both so pretty, and so feminine; I am the plain, awkward one of the family. I knew that for my own sake my father would try to persuade me to study

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