Bachelor Father
could consider this crazy scheme
of yours.”
    Molly took a deep breath and sat up straight
and tall, taking on the aloof professional look she’d exhibited
both times he’d met with her in her office.
    “Okay, here’s what’s in it for me. I get to
buy my condominium.”
    The conversation lost its humor. “You think
I’m going to buy you a condominium in exchange for Jack? Look
around. Does it seem like I have that kind of money?
    She raised her hand in a stop sign. “Let me
finish. The owner of the complex where I live is selling the rental
units. We tenants have first offer. I could get a mortgage, but I
don’t have enough of a down payment. I do have a trust fund my
mother set up for me that’s enough to buy the condo outright. The
problem is that I don’t have any access to the fund until either I
marry or reach age thirty-five. Since I only have a month to accept
the offer, that rules out my turning thirty-five.”
    Brett slapped his knee. He knew it. He knew
she couldn’t be sacrificing several months of her life for nothing.
But, hey, he wouldn’t want someone doing that anyway.
    “I get Jake,” he mused out loud, “and you get
your condo. Sounds fair enough.”
    Before he could say more, they heard the side
door slam. Humphrey came bounding in the room first, his tail
wagging furiously, followed by Jake, a little girl who looked to
Molly to be about the same age, and a tall willowy blond holding
each of their hands.
    “Boo,” Jake shouted before pulling away from
the woman and hurling himself onto Molly’s lap.
    She couldn’t help but reward such an
enthusiastic greeting with a big hug. “Hi, Jake.” She looked from
Jake’s grinning face to Brett’s, and then to the
    The woman seemed to be taking her measure.
Molly looked back at Brett. He stood to make
    “Molly, this is my friend and neighbor, Tina
Cannon, and her daughter Amy. Jake’s been over at Tina’s this
morning playing with Amy.”
    At the mention of his friend’s name, Jake
scrambled off Molly’s lap and pulled the little girl over to the
couch. “‘Amee,” he said, copying Brett, “my Boo.” He patted Molly’s
    Everyone laughed.
    “Hi, Amy,” Molly said before turning her
attention back to Tina. “I’m Molly Hennessey.” She stood and
offered her hand. Tina made no move to accept it. “Brett’s
caseworker,” Molly added.
    “I know,” Tina replied coolly, belatedly
giving Molly the briefest of handshakes. “I’m Brett’s
    Molly sized up the situation. Friend,
neighbor, and attorney, on top of being absolutely stunning even in
faded jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Tina reminded Molly of the
popular girls at college, the ones Molly’s guy friends would ask
her advice on pursuing. Maybe Brett already had the solution to his
custody problem. Tina certainly seemed ready to draw battle
    “Nice to meet you,” Molly said with stiff
politeness. About as nice as running smack up against an iceberg.
She glanced at Brett, who was looking from her to Tina with an
amused expression on his face. If he was expecting a catfight, she
wasn’t going to be the one to begin it.
     “ I’d better be getting back
to the office,” Molly said to Brett. “You’ll think about my
    “I will.” He smiled broadly. “You won’t mind
my discussing it with Tina, will you?”
    “Not at all. If you decide to accept, you’ll
probably want her to draw up an agreement concerning your business
and other property.” Molly’s chest tightened inexplicably as she
glanced from Brett to Tina, watching the silent communication
between them. “Or, maybe,” Molly tried to say brightly, “she’ll
make you a better offer.”
    “Oh, I doubt that.” Brett chuckled.
    He walked Molly to the door, where she stopped
and called across the room, “Bye Jake, Amy,” adding “bye Tina,” as
an afterthought.
    “Bye, Boo,” Jake shouted back.
    Turning the door handle, Molly

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