Operation Cowboy Daddy

Free Operation Cowboy Daddy by Carla Cassidy

Book: Operation Cowboy Daddy by Carla Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Cassidy
for her and I don’t know if she had a job or not. If she was living with somebody else, then it’s possible she’s been off the grid completely. I did tell him the make and model of her car, but that’s pretty much the only clues I could give him and that will only help if she’s still driving the same vehicle.”
    Joey finished his bottle. Tony set it on the coffee table in front of him but continued to hold Joey in his arms. His little body snuggled against Tony’s chest and he smelled of a sweet scent that Tony could only identify as baby innocence and unconditional love...something Tony had never known in his life.
    “Did Mick think he could find her in spite of the lack of any real information?” Mary asked, pulling him from his momentary reverie.
    “He was optimistic that he could get me results but cautioned me that it might take some time.” He placed the now sleeping baby into the bouncy chair and strapped him in. He stroked a finger down the little boy’s plump cheek. He sat back up and gazed at Mary.
    “You’re falling in love with him,” she said.
    Tony looked at her in surprise. Was that what it was? The softening of his heart when he looked at Joey? The swell of his chest when Joey smiled at him? Was it possible that Joey had pulled forth a love that Tony hadn’t believed he was capable of possessing?
    No, it couldn’t possibly be love. He’d vowed to himself that Joey wouldn’t get into his heart. Tony didn’t know how to love. He’d never had any love in his life, except from Cass, and her death had been a huge loss.
    “I don’t love that easily,” he replied. “But I’ll admit he is a cutie.”
    Tony didn’t love easily, but he definitely had a deep lust going on for the woman seated next to him on the sofa. She looked so gorgeous this evening, clad in jeans and a pale pink T-shirt that enhanced the dark richness of her hair and her beautiful long-lashed eyes.
    “Why aren’t you married?” he asked.
    Her cheeks flushed with a touch of color. “There are some women who are meant to be married and have a family. I just happen not to be one of those women.”
    “Why not? You’re a beautiful, successful woman.”
    “I’m happy alone. I have my work and Grandmother’s company and that’s enough for me.” She said the words firmly, but he didn’t quite believe them. “Why did you make the decision never to have a wife?”
    “I love my horse—that’s the cowboy way and that’s enough for me,” he replied lightly.
    She frowned at him. “I’m just trying to get to know you better, Tony. You blew into my life so unexpectedly and at least for now we’re bonded together by trying to do what’s best for Joey.”
    There were some things she didn’t need to know...some things he just didn’t share with anyone. “Mary, what you’ve seen of me the last four nights is who I am. I’m not that complicated.”
    Her beautiful eyes bore into his. “If you say so,” she replied, but he could tell she didn’t believe him. “So, tell me what happened on that ranch of yours today.”
    “Have you heard that one of the skeletons has been identified?” he asked.
    “No,” she replied, her eyes widening. “I haven’t been in town to hear any of the newest local gossip.”
    Tony told her about Tim Hankins, the murdered runaway boy who nobody on the ranch knew anything about. When he was finished, he looked down at Joey and once again a wealth of protectiveness rose up inside him.
    “If I have any part in raising him, I’ll make sure he never has a reason to run away from home,” he said.
    “You were a runaway when you came to the ranch to work?” she asked, although he figured she already knew the answer to the question.
    “Yeah, I had a pretty crummy family life and so when I was almost fifteen I hit the streets, and now it’s probably time for me to get home.” That was as much as he intended to share and now he felt the need to escape from her and any more questions

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