Rise of the Spider Goddess

Free Rise of the Spider Goddess by Jim Hines

Book: Rise of the Spider Goddess by Jim Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim Hines
brought the point of his rapier up until it touched the man’s throat. Walking slowly, he backed the bleeding man up against a tree.
    The rage was clearly audible in Nakor’s voice as he spoke. “Who sent you?” he asked simply.
    The man’s voice was almost a whimper. “Olara.”
    Nakor killed the man quickly and cleanly. It was a far nicer death than he would have had otherwise, when Olara learned of his failure. Olara was not known for her tolerance.
    He turned around, and discovered that he faced the entrance to Olara’s temple. From within, he could hear Olara’s mocking laughter echoing through the tunnels. Then she began calling out his name. “Nakor…”
    * * *
    Nakor jumped and opened his eyes. Galadrion was staring down at him, while Pynne and Whoo hovered nearby, looking concerned.
    â€œI’m okay,” he muttered. He sat up, still feeling tired. “How long have I been asleep?”
    â€œIt’s midday,” Whoo answered. “The rest of us have eaten already, but Thomas said not to wake you.”
    â€œBut then you were having some sort of nightmare,” Pynne added, “So we woke you up anyway.”
    Nakor smiled weakly at her logic.
    â€œNakor,” Whoo said, “I have a question for you.” He paused for a moment. “Where are we?”
    â€œIn a temple,” Nakor replied.
    Whoo rolled his eyes at that. “What kind of temple is this, and who are the priests who live here?” he demanded.
    Questions that would have made much more sense for someone to ask several scenes ago.
    Nakor leaned his back against a wall and ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know, exactly.” he began. “I came to this area a year and a half ago, trying to escape from the death that seemed to follow me and those I cared about.” He shivered once, recalling his dream.
    â€œI had been following the river, and eventually it led me to the ruins of an ancient castle. While I was exploring it, I stumbled upon the family of bears that was already living there.”
    Nakor remembered his shock as he and the bear stared at each other, both uncertain how to react for a moment. That moment had allowed Nakor to cast a spell, after which he spoke to the bear and assured it that he meant no harm.
    â€œI lived with the bears for about a year,” he continued, oblivious to the looks of surprise on his audience. “Then they took off to find someplace new.” He smiled, remembering. “Apparently I made their cave smell like elf.”
    â€œA few days after I arrived, Thomas came to visit me. He invited me back here, to his temple. He never did explain exactly what god is worshipped here. From what I’ve gathered over the past year and a half, the priests are devoted to peace and knowledge. Aside from that, I know little of their religion. Once we arrived, he took me into a room and we sat down together. Then he began to talk to me. Talking about Olara…”
    You know how they say if your only tool is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail? I’m starting to think the only tool in my writer’s tool box was the flashback.
    Thomas had stared at Nakor for a long time, and neither spoke. Finally, Thomas broke the silence.
    â€œIt wasn’t your fault,” he said softly.
    Nakor stared, confused, at this odd man in his grey robes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he replied.
    â€œCalugar lied to you, he used you to free his goddess.” Thomas explained. “There was no way you could have known.”
    Feeling suddenly vulnerable, Nakor stood up and took a step toward the door.
    â€œSit down, Nakor,” came the soft voice of the priest. “You’re safe here. I know about these things because they affect all of us. I could feel it when Olara was brought back. I spent the next few days trying to figure out how it was done, and

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