The Soldier's Lady
what He wanted us to. But we really didn’t know what to do. I had a Bible of my mama’s, but neither of us learned too much about living with God from our parents. We believed in God, but we didn’t know how to live like Christians. We tried, and Katie and I talked about it a lot. But I’ve still got so many questions.”
    Micah laughed. “That’s good,” he said. “Asking questions is how we learn more about God. What kinds of questions?”
    â€œI don’t know—like what Christians are supposed to feel like and maybe questions about God too, and what He’s like. It is confusing sometimes. A lot of what you read in the Bible doesn’t seem to make much sense.”
    Micah laughed again. “You like to say what you mean!”
    â€œWhy shouldn’t I? It doesn’t make sense not to.”
    â€œI agree. But most people don’t. They try to hidethe things that don’t make sense to them. But the Bible has things in it that confuse everyone. Why not admit that being a Christian is confusing at times? At least that’s the way I see it.”
    â€œWhat confuses you about being a Christian, Micah?” I asked.
    He thought a minute.
    â€œThat’s a perceptive question, Mayme,” he said. “Hmm . . . I think I would say that life’s hard, that things get spread around so unevenly, even randomly. Why is life hard for some and others seem to have it easy? That’s a hard question. But a Christian just has to take life as it comes and then live in those circumstances as God would have him, whether they are easy circumstances or hard ones.”
    â€œDo you think God tries to make circumstances easier for Christian people?”
    â€œThat’s another really good question,” said Micah. “If He did, that would sure be a reason to be a Christian—knowing God would be making life easier for us. I’ve thought about that a lot.”
    â€œAnd . . .”I said.
    â€œI don’t think God does try to improve our circumstances.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œBecause outward circumstances are not of primary interest to Him.”
    â€œWhat is, then?”
    â€œThe inner condition of our hearts. He cares what kind of people we become on the inside. I don’tthink He is too concerned about what kinds of events or situations are used to make us into people that are His children. Maybe even the hard circumstances work better for that. Maybe as God looks at it, the whole thing is upside down from how we are looking at it. Maybe hard times are actually better for us, and that’s why God doesn’t always make the lives of Christians smooth and easy.”
    â€œI’ve never thought about that before,” I said.
    â€œIt’s a little different way of looking at the Christian life, all right. But it’s helped me to keep the hardships of my own life in perspective.”
    I wanted to ask more, but somehow the time didn’t feel right. And the fact that we had almost reached the cows put an end to the discussion.
    I opened the gate to the field and walked around one side to get behind them. The cows gradually headed through the gate and back toward the barn. Micah and I followed, walking slowly behind them.
    â€œIt seems to me that God must have answered most of the questions you said you had earlier,” said Micah.
    â€œWhy do you say that?” I asked.
    â€œBecause God’s life is obvious in you,” Micah replied. “I sensed immediately that you were God’s daughter.”
    â€œThank you,” I said. “That’s nice of you to say.”
    â€œI mean it. You are an extraordinary young lady, Mayme. It’s good to talk to someone . . . do you know what I’m trying to say? . . . who understands, bothwhat it means to be black, but the greater issue of what’s involved in being a Christian. Thank you, Mayme. There are not many people I’ve been able

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