Unmasked (Godmother Security Book 1)

Free Unmasked (Godmother Security Book 1) by June Stevens, DJ Westerfield

Book: Unmasked (Godmother Security Book 1) by June Stevens, DJ Westerfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: June Stevens, DJ Westerfield
cool tone he’d started adopting every time a woman he knew wasn’t Ella came into the room. 
    “Please, call me Darla,” the woman said again in the same thick accent.  “And I’m going to tell you right now, I didn’t go to that ball or lose a necklace.”
    “I know.”
    Darla didn’t let the coldness in his voice deter her.  She kept on talking in a warm, cheery voice that she might have used with someone she’d known all her life.  “I know it was just horrible of me, but I saw on the news that you would be meeting with people to find the owner of a necklace you had found, and well, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity.  You see, I’m just in town for the week, but back in Atlanta I work with a children’s charity; and well, it’s very hard to get your foundation’s attention.  We are very small, but we help so many children.  But times have been tough, and if we can’t make next year’s budget we may have to close.  I know it was wrong to lie, but I never would have forgiven myself if I hadn’t tried.”
    At her desk, Cindy rolled her eyes, but when Sebastian spoke the warmth was back in his voice.  “I do understand, Ms. Gatlin.  Darla.  Please, have a seat.”
    “Oh, thank you,” Darla said, giving a high pitched giggle as she sat down and took her sunglasses off.
    She said something else, but Cindy didn’t hear.  She was staring too hard at the image on her computer screen.  The camera was discreetly placed so that Cindy could get a full on view of her face.  With the sunglasses off she was more than just a little familiar.  It had been over twelve years since Cindy had seen her and she’d changed a little—Cindy would bet the changes had been made via surgical knife—but she was sure she knew the woman.  When she let out that high pitched giggle for a second time, Cindy was positive her name was not Darla Gatlin.
    Cindy shuddered, pushing back the memories that hearing that sound dredged up.  Despite her years of work to put that part of her life behind her, it seemed the memories were still just beneath the surface, lurking, waiting to bring the nightmares back.  Hands shaking, Cindy pulled up the chat window she was using to silently communicate with Faye in the security office.
    Cindy: Are you getting this feed?
    Faye: Yes.  Is there a problem?
    Cindy: You could say that.  That woman is Kimber Bauer.
    Faye: Are you positive.
    Cindy: 99.9%.  She’s 12 years older and has had some work done, but it’s her.  I’d know that laugh anywhere.
    Faye: I’ll have Frank detain her while we look into it.
    “Ms. Ashe?  Would you please see Darla out now,” Sebastian said, breaking through Cindy’s thoughts.
    Forcing a smile, Cindy stood.  “Of course, Mr. Prince,” she said, her voice pleasant and professional, though she felt anything but.  “This way, Ms. Gatlin.”
    As they neared the door Darla-Kimber paused and turned back.  “Thank you again, Sebastian.  I’m looking forward to having lunch with you to discuss the children.”
    Then she let Cindy usher her out.  As Frank took over and escorted her out of Della’s office, Cindy saw the woman from the side and a flash of memory nearly overwhelmed her.  The moment the door was shut behind them Cindy touched the bluetooth headset at her ear that disguised her com unit.  “Faye, you can’t detain Kimber.”
    “Why not?” Faye demanded in her ear.
    “The woman in red at the ball, it was Audra Bauer.”
    There was a long silence, then Faye said, “Okay.  I gave Frank the all clear and Greer is following her.  Are you sure you’ve seen both Bauer sisters?”
    “Yes.  They must be working as a team.”
    “Did either of them recognize you?”
    “I don’t think so, but I’m not sure.  Prince used my name, but then they didn’t know me as Cindy Ashe.”
    “Okay.  Okay,” Faye said, as if trying to convince herself.  “I’m going to run the facial recognition and do some research,

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