Darkness Falls

Free Darkness Falls by Jessica Sorensen

Book: Darkness Falls by Jessica Sorensen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Sorensen
finger. “ Am fost dor de tine ienupr, mai mult decât veci _ti vreodat. V rugm s recineci.”
    My lips part.  “You speak the Highers language.”
    “Everyone should understand the language of their enemy.” He releases my hair and backs toward the door with a vague smile.
    “What does that mean? What you said?” I ask. “And when are you going to let me go?”
    “Soon.” He slides his hands inside the pockets and turns his back on me.
    “But what about the other question?” I yell, but he’s already gone. “What did you say to me!”

Chapter 14
    After its clear Aiden’s not coming back any time soon, I lie down on the floor, prop my feet up on the wall, and stare at the chains. I can’t help but think how similar this place is to The Colony. The chains are there only they’re clearly visible now. So what lies next for me? What happens after the chains are undone? Are these people going to just let me go?  Turn me loose when they obviously think they have a reason for chaining me up in the first place? The chances seem slim.
    Lying on my back, I start raveling the chains around my wrist, moving them around and around, until they’re so tight, the metal clips my skin. Then, pushing my feet against the wall, I yank at the chains, hoping the clips will give out.
    But after an eternity of trying, the door opens up and Aiden enters cautiously, as if he fears me.  But he doesn’t. He actually fears he’ll lose me, which makes no sense at all.
    Keys dangle from his fingers and he’s holding an aluminum cup. As he takes in the sight of me, his eyebrow arcs. “Were you trying to escape?”
    I frown at the upside him. “Would you blame me if I was?”
    He laughs and sets the cup down. His boots scuff against the dirt as he stops just short of me, eyes searching mine.
    “What are you looking for?” I ask, rolling onto my stomach.
    “Nothing.” He sighs and then his hand is moving for me. Instinctively, I jump to my feet and fall back, ready to fight.  “Easy, Kayla,” he says. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”
    Either he’s the best liar in the world, or he’s telling the truth because everything about him is honest. This time when he moves for me, I hold as still as a statue, listening to his breath and the sound of his heart, the tune momentarily soothing me.
    He clicks the key in the lock and turns it, releasing me from the cuffs. Then he steps back, brushing his hair out of his eyes. I shake my wrists and breathe in the taste of freedom.
    “So you're Aiden,” I say and then absentmindedly add. “Little fire.”
    “That’s one meaning for it.” He puts the key in his pocket. “But how did you know that?”
    I rub my wrists, little red welts bumping my porcelain skin. “I don’t know.” I scratch at the welts, but Aiden pulls my hand away.
    “Scratching at it is only going to make it worse.” He picks up the metal cup, liquid swishing around inside. “Come one. I’ll show you around.”
    He walks out the door. But before I step out, I skeptically peer out, wanting to see what I’m getting into.
    “No one’s going to hurt you here,” he says, waving for me to follow. “I promise.”
    I step out, still cautious. “What is this place?” Lanterns track the ceiling, lighting up the darkness of the dirt tunnel. We start down it, passing door after door, and I keep my senses on high alert.
    My throat feels dry and I realize how thirsty I am. “What’s in the cup?”
    He covers the top with his hand. “Nothing important. And nothing you’d want to drink. I don’t think anyway.”
    “So where’s Maci?” I ask, my eyes following the lanterns. 
    “Maci’s with Ryder,” he answers, making me cringe. “And the other one’s being detained.”
    I stop. “You found Bernard? And you locked up?”
    “We had to lock him up,” he says. “He’s unstable right now.”
    I think of the medicine Bernard injected, wondering what it was, but not saying anything about

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