Hunger: Volume 4

Free Hunger: Volume 4 by Ella Price Page B

Book: Hunger: Volume 4 by Ella Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Price
“Let’s go,” I muttered as I put his arm around
my shoulders, and pulled him to his feet. He was limping as I hurried through
the woods. I was weak, but I was determined. Luca was heavy, but I wasn’t
leaving him behind.
seemed like we had ran miles. We made it to a road. I wasn’t sure which road. I
just knew it was a road. I was pretty confident we had escaped Cornelius, but I
had no clue where we were going or how we were going to get there.
stepped off the road and set Luca in the grass just inside the tree line. I
collapsed to the ground and closed my eyes. I was exhausted. The hunger was
getting worse. Luca’s scent didn’t affect me as much since his injuries were
not fresh. Fresh blood was much worse than dried blood.
should leave me behind. You would move faster on your own,” Luca said softly as
he moved so he could lean against a tree.
don’t leave people behind,” I said softly as I tried to focus on my next move. I
didn’t really have a next move I just needed to come up with one.
on Lily. You have to know what the hunters did to your family. What I did,” he
said quietly.
know, but it doesn’t change anything. I am angry with you, but you were my
friend at one point in time,” I said softly.
am still your friend Lillian. I love you, you have to know that. I was young
and stupid back then. I was determined to follow orders,” he argued.
groaned and sat up. “We all have choices to make. You made yours and I made
mine. Now look at us,” I said trying to hide the annoyance in my voice.
am sorry for everything,” he said as he watched me. He made no attempt to move.
I was kind of relieved I wasn’t in the mood to be touched.
climbed to my feet, then looked down at him. “We have to keep moving. The
longer I stay still the more I don’t want to move at all.”
groaned as I pulled him to his feet. “I am telling you, you would move a lot
faster if you would just leave me behind. You could come back for me.”
I…” I started, but quit speaking when I heard the howl of a wolf. A slight
amount of relief washed over me. Somehow I knew it was Drake. “Come on,” I said
excitedly. I started walking deeper into the woods.
are you doing?” Luca asked sounding concerned.
have to find the wolves. I can hear them. They aren’t far,” I said as I
continued to move into the denser woods.
stopped making me halt. “Werewolves are just as bad as vampires. They will kill
me,” Luca said sounding worried.
I know these wolves. They are not like that. Drake isn’t like that,” I said
trying to make him understand.
shook his head. “Go without me.”
scowled and attempted to pull him. “No!” he growled and shoved me backwards. I
fell landing with a thud. I felt my head hit something hard and everything went

woke up with a start. I rolled off a bad and landed face down on the floor. I
groaned in pain. The hunger was back full force. It was what woke me up in the
first place. I laid my head down trying to focus.
have to feed,” Aubrey said.
sound of his voice was both relieving and painful. I knew I was safe with him,
but I knew he wouldn’t be happy with me for going after Cornelius. Now I was a
vampire. I wasn’t even sure if he would love me anymore. “No,” was all I could
manage to say.
will not die. You will only suffer. You have to feed or I will make you. I
refuse to watch you suffer,” he said angrily. I could hear him move closer to
grasped me around the waist, and pulled me to my feet. I looked up at him. I
felt so weak I didn’t think I could hold my own weight. “I know you are angry
with me,” I said softly.
expression softened and he ran his hand over my cheek. “Don’t worry about any
of that. I just can’t watch you suffer. Please feed. I will not let you hurt
anyone. Luca is safe. He is recovering. You obviously have control

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