Hunger: Volume 4

Free Hunger: Volume 4 by Ella Price

Book: Hunger: Volume 4 by Ella Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Price
think the new look suits you,” Cornelius said amused as he leaned against the
bathrooms door jamb.
spun around to face him. “I am going to kill you!” I screamed and lunged at
him. I really didn’t have much of a plan. I had no weapons. I was so angry I
wanted to tear his throat out with my bare hands.
laughed as he caught my wrists. He forced me to my knees. “You are weak.
Fighting me is pointless.” He shoved me backwards and I landed on my back.
glared up at him. He was right. I was weak. I could feel it. I felt drained. I
slowly climbed to my feet fighting the sluggish feeling.
have just what you need,” he said looking amused. He walked out of the
bathroom. I stumbled toward the bathroom door. If he left I was going to
attempt to run. As soon as I stepped into the bedroom, I smelled it, fresh
blood. Part of me wanted to gag, and another part of me wanted to find the
source and taste it.
pulled a man into the room. I felt my chest tighten when I saw it was Luca. He
was shirtless and his chest was covered in cuts, bleeding cuts. I stepped
backwards. I could smell the blood and I wanted it. My mouth watered. It took
everything I had not to run to Luca. Cornelius pushed Luca down onto the bed.
Luca was barely awake. I wanted to run to him and check him, but I couldn’t go
near him. I knew I would kill him for sure.
please don’t do this,” I begged as I dropped to my knees. I didn’t know what
else to do. I was fighting with everything I had not to move.
laughed harshly. “I know you are hungry. You look hungry. I thought you would
enjoy some fresh blood.”
don’t do this! Take him away,” I begged as tears rolled down my cheeks. I was
on my knees begging him. I knew it was what he wanted, he wanted me to suffer.
fun,” he said haughtily then walked out. I heard the lock click on the door
behind him.
eyes landed on Luca. He was watching me. He looked like he was in pain. My
mouth watered even more at the sight of the blood. I swallowed hard forcing the
hunger down. I turned and ran into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut, and
ran to the furthest wall. I shrunk down, and buried my head in my hands. I
should have listened to Colin and Aubrey. Everything was so messed up now.
tried to breathe in, and a fit of coughs followed. I heard the door open. I
could smell Luca’s blood. I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter fighting the
hunger. “Luca please go away. You have to stay away from me,” I whispered
what happened?” he asked sounding a little confused and disoriented.
shook my head without opening my eyes. I didn’t want to look at him. I didn’t
want to see the blood. “I don’t know. You just have to stay away,” I begged.
didn’t advance on me, but he didn’t leave either. “Are you ok?” he asked
sounding worried.
I yelled glaring up at him.
stepped back when he saw my eyes. “You’re a vampire,” he said sounding
do you think I want you to stay away?” I asked angrily.
didn’t listen. He hurried over to me. He knelt next to me and offered his
wrist. I groaned low in my throat and pulled away. I didn’t want to hurt him. I
could feel my will wavering as the scent of blood strengthened. “You have to
feed Lillian, bite me,” he ordered as he offered his wrist.
shook my head and turned toward the wall. “I would rather die,” I said softly.
The hunger was painful, and it was getting worse. The closer he was to me the
more painful the hunger, and he wouldn’t get away.
he begged touching me.
I screamed and threw him backwards. He slid across the floor and hit the
opposite wall. I immediately felt bad, but he was safer across the room than he
was touching me.
sat up and looked at me defiantly. “I know you won’t hurt me. You have to feed.
I know you are hungry.”
have no control Luca. I

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