Beneath the Secrets: Part One

Free Beneath the Secrets: Part One by Lisa Renée Jones

Book: Beneath the Secrets: Part One by Lisa Renée Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Renée Jones
inside him and twisted him in knots. His gaze dropped to her mouth, her lush, tempting mouth, that he wanted to kiss way too damn much for comfort. His teeth ground together, the muscles in his body tightening. It was time to shove Kara into a “fuck only” box, and make damn sure she knew that’s where she belonged.  
    With a low growl, Blake slanted his mouth over hers, devouring her, hungry for that dark place he knew would allow him to escape, to get lost in pleasure. His tongue suckled Kara’s, and then delved deeply for a long, seductive lick.  
    She moaned at his invasion, a delicate, sweet sound when he knew she was anything and everything but sweet. But she sounded sweet now and tasted it, too. Sweet and delicious and addictive. Too addictive. He couldn’t stop kissing her. Damn, he needed her wrapped around him, all tight and wet, the way he remembered her feeling in Denver.
    With a low growl, Blake tore his mouth from hers, intending to push away and undress, but the creamy expanse of Kara’s throat called to him, demanding attention. His lips trailed over it, downward, while his hands caressed her breasts, his mouth finally settled on her quivering belly. He believed her when she’d said Denver had felt “necessary”. She was too responsive, too completely his when he touched her, for it to be a lie. His ability to affect her drove him wild, made him even crazier with desire for her. But it was still just sex and he planned to make sure she knew it, too.  
    He pushed away from her, tugging his shirt over his head. She sat up, her breasts high, her nipples puckered, and kicked away her shoes, lounging in front of him, watching him with a languid quality that reminded him of a regal feline, ready to be served, pleasured. Her gaze followed his jeans and briefs to the ground, her dark lashes lowering over her chocolate-brown eyes, and lingering on the thick jut of his erection. Holy fuck, she was killing him, and the flick of her tongue over her bottom lip that made his cock jerk, told him she knew it, too. She was everything and anything but sweet, and he’d be smart to remember that.  
    Blake snatched a condom from his jeans before tossing them aside. She scooted to the edge of the bed and held out her hand, her legs opened just wide enough to tease him with a glimpse of what was between. “Can I?” she asked softly.
    Damn, she did the “innocent temptress who wasn’t innocent at all” role to perfection. And that temptress called to his need for control, a need that had become bigger, more powerful, more demanding, every day since he’d left behind the ATF, every hour he didn’t have his revenge.  
    “Since you asked,” he murmured, stepping closer to her.  
    Her fingers closed around the package he held, her gaze lifting. “You aren't very good at asking.”
    “I have my moments.”  
    “Just not with me.” She ripped open the condom.
    “No,” he agreed. “Not with you.” But he had a soft spot for her. And soft spots were like poison kisses, easily lethal. It angered him. She angered him. If only that was all she did to him.  
    She reached for his cock and he grabbed the condom and pulled her off the bed and against him. “I don’t like games.”
    “I wasn’t aware we were playing one.” Her gaze cut to his chest, a sign she didn’t believe the words.  
    “Yes. You were and we are, but know this, Kara. Whatever the outcome of this game, I’m going to win.” His mouth slanted over hers, crushing her lips to his, his tongue stroking against hers with rough, angry thrusts meant to claim her, claim everything about her, and them, and this night. She moaned and leaned into him and that punch in his gut she so easily created happened all over again. Damn it to hell, he thought again.  
    Blake flipped her around, pressing her knees into the mattress, and holding one hand on her lower back. “Don’t move.” He felt the tension in her spine, her desire to resist, and he held

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