Ruined #4 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #4)

Free Ruined #4 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #4) by Alycia Taylor

Book: Ruined #4 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #4) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
fucked with you. As far as
Terrance goes, I’ll buy that. That boy ain’t never had any balls, but Brock?
What was his motive?”
    “Blake didn’t like you saying you were going to have
me succeed you as President. He knew he couldn’t kill me. If you found out, it
would be suicide. But he found a way to get rid of me anyways, at least for a
while. And yes, Dad, Brock did do this. He admitted it to me. He’s so jealous
of me he can’t see straight. He says that you have always liked me best, and he
got the short end of the stick. He’s also got it in for Mom and you know how
bad it hurt her to see me in that place. He hurt us both in one fell swoop.”
    My dad shook his head. “I just can’t believe any of
this, Dax. I’ve known Blake my whole life. Do you know the things I’ve done for
him? I can’t believe he would turn on me like that.”
    I heard the door again before I could respond. I
looked up in time to see Blake come through the door. I moved the gun from my
dad to him, but he already had his own out. I could see movement out of the
corner of my eye. My dad was moving but I didn’t know where. I couldn’t take my
eyes off Blake. In the next few seconds, the deafening sound of a gunshot
ripped through the garage.

An Email When Book 5 Comes Out On November 13th By Clicking Here

    Book 1 Comes Out September 18 th
    Book 2 Comes Out October 2 nd
    Book 3 Comes Out October 16 th
4 Comes Out October 30 th
5 Comes Out November 13 th

Part 1First - Ruined #1
      Read Part 2 First -
Ruined #2
Part 3 First - Ruined #3

Future New Releases In This Series For 99 Cents

    Read Part 1 - Consumed (The MMA Romance Series - Book #1 )
    Read Part 2 - Devoured (The
MMA Romance Series - Book #2)
Part 3 - Addicted (The MMA Romance Series - Book #3)
    Read Part 4 – Damaged (The
MMA Romance Series – Book #4)
    Read Part 5 – Committed (The
MMA Romance Series – Book #5)
    Read Part 6 - Devoted (The
MMA Romance Series - Book #6)

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