Demon Evolution

Free Demon Evolution by David Estes

Book: Demon Evolution by David Estes Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Estes
Tags: Fantasy, Evolution, demons, Angels, wings, Gargoyles
the angel spies will be on the
battlefield and we can rescue them then.”
    “I think that’s a smart plan. I will help you
find them and get them to safety. I promise you.” The look of
determination in Gabriel’s eyes seemed to encourage Sampson. The
defeated look in his eyes lifted, and a steely resolve replaced
    “Thanks, man. We’ll do it together.”
    They embraced, pounding each other’s backs

Chapter Fourteen
    W hile Gabriel and
Sampson were having their private conversation, Taylor was able to
track down Samantha. Not surprisingly, she was wasting the day away
at a pool table with Chris and Kiren. The recreational room was
crowded with dozens of demons enjoying their holidays. The room was
dark, as the shadowy beings cloaked most of the light provided by
the fiery wall-fixtures. She squirmed her way through the crowd and
over to her friends, who occupied a corner table. When Taylor
arrived, her friends were playing Cut-throat , a three-person
game where each player tries to pocket the other players’ balls. At
the moment, Sam and Kiren were ganging up on Chris, who was a far
superior player, to try to eliminate his last ball, the green
    “The two-ball is a much easier shot,” he was
saying when Taylor walked in.
    “Yeah, but the six-ball is yours, and Kiren
and I have made a temporary truce,” Sam replied. There was a choo sound, followed by a soft clink when the white cue-ball
contacted the six-ball. From across the room, Taylor heard a soft thump as one of the balls fell into the corner pocket.
    “Yes!!” Sam exclaimed. Apparently the
six-ball had been eliminated.
    Chris groaned. “I guess I can’t win them
all,” he said, embracing Sam. “Nice shot, babe.” He kissed her hard
on the lips.
    Kiren looked away and saw Taylor approaching.
“Thank God,” she said. “Ever since Sampson left, I have been stuck
here as the third wheel and these two can’t seem to keep their
hands off of each other.”
    Taylor grinned. “I know what you mean, but I
can’t really talk, Gabriel and I are pretty bad, too.”
    Upon hearing Taylor’s voice, Sam and Chris
ended their public display of affection. “Hey, Tay,” Sam said.
Then, turning to Kiren, she said, “You can’t talk either, Kiren,
you were getting pretty flirty with Mr. Sampson during that second
game of pool.” She grinned slyly.
    Kiren blushed. Or at least that’s what Taylor
thought it looked like. Her face just got a bit darker—a demon
blush. She denied it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, we
were just having a little fun. I don’t care which side he’s on—he’s
still an angel.”
    Sam shrugged, turning back to Taylor. “How
was your romantic day with Gabriel?”
    “Perfect, thanks, guys. We both really needed
    “No problem,” Chris said from across the
table. “Up for a game of pool while you wait for him to come back?
Kiren could use a teammate.”
    “Sure, but don’t you want to finish your game
    “Well, Sam just knocked me out of the game,
so it’s up to her and Kiren.”
    “I forfeit,” Kiren said flatly. “Watching
Chris lose was good enough for me. I prefer doubles.” She sounded
like she was talking about tennis.
    The game commenced with Taylor and Kiren at a
distinct disadvantage given that the best player was on the other
team. Taylor was shocked at how much better Sam had gotten, too. She must have been playing all day , Taylor thought. In less
than five minutes the game was over, with Chris sinking the
eight-ball using a pretty bank shot into the center pocket. Taylor
and Kiren still had four striped balls on the table.
    “Rematch?” Sam asked smugly.
    Taylor was saved from having to chicken out
when Gabriel reappeared just then. Sampson was close behind him. At
the sight of her boyfriend, Taylor smiled widely. His lips curled
into a grin, but she could tell that it was forced. Something had
chilled his happy mood considerably. Something

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