
Free Cut by Emily Duvall

Book: Cut by Emily Duvall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Duvall
been together eight years. A few more months won’t make a difference.”
    The lack of emotion on his face infuriated her. “You didn’t come to see Melanie. You didn’t take the early flight to be supportive. You came to break up with me.”
    â€œI’m not breaking up with you. I want us to take some time. Be with your mom and Melanie. Give Singapore some thought. I’ll go ahead with the plans to move.”
    â€œWe’re getting married next month!”
    â€œWe can get married after we move.”
    â€œWhen do you start the job?”
    â€œIn January.”
    â€œJanuary!” Numbness slid down Jessie’s arms and coated her insides. She turned away from him.
    â€œI want to get married to you.”
    â€œYeah right.” She stared out at the city with narrowed eyes and a bitter heart.
    â€œI’m suggesting we postpone the wedding, not call off our engagement.”
    She said nothing.
    He looked at the watch on his wrist. “I have to get to the airport. I hate leaving you like this.”
    â€œThen don’t go.”
    â€œThink about what I said. I do love you.”
    The words from his mouth sounded like the work of a talented editor. Practiced and prepared with a response to whatever she said. Carl tried to give her a hug and she wouldn’t let him. He left her standing on the garden balcony with the stiff wind for a companion.
    Jessie stood there and tried to absorb Carl’s words. All the planning they both had done for the wedding, and he was having serious doubts? Serious enough to take a job somewhere else without talking to her first? She couldn’t think straight about any of it. She gave him enough time to leave the hospital before she returned to the ICU. She didn’t want to see him again.
    The next hour she glided on empty. She really couldn’t go to see Melanie now. Not with the surprise of the hour weighing on Jessie’s mind. Until she could face her sister, there wasn’t any point for Jessie to stick around. Her options alternated between waiting and waiting some more.
    â€œHey,” her mother said, rejoining her in the waiting area. She sat down next to Jessie. “I’m headed to the hotel. Let’s get out of here for a little bit.”
    â€œYes,” Jessie agreed quickly. This place sucked the life out of her.
    Jessie’s mother drove the eight blocks to the Crowne Hotel. Right away Jessie recognized the sophistication and historic glamour of their accommodations. Inside, marble floors gleaned in front of them. The lobby area boasted blue-and-yellow couches with large pillows. Bouquets of white flowers peeked up from large vases on dark-wooded tables. A group of well-dressed businessmen hung around the entrance to a swanky restaurant attached to the hotel.
    This wasn’t the kind of place they normally stayed. The moderate salary her mother made as a teacher afforded nice things, but not extravagance. Still, her mother checked-in at the front desk and didn’t bat an eye.
    Jessie waited until they were on the elevator and said to her mother, “Can you afford this place?”
    â€œI already told you, we’ll handle the bill later. For now Luke is taking care of us,” Leslie said. “This is the easiest and best place for us to stay. The alternative is staying further away. Here we’re in walking distance of the hospital, so we won’t have the expense of having to rent a car. We need to be close to Melanie. Please do not bring up the cost again or Luke helping with the accommodations.”
    â€œWe don’t need separate rooms,” Jessie added.
    â€œYes, we do. I’ll be making phone calls. We’ll need to take shifts seeing Melanie and we’ll need our rest in between. Besides, I’m just across the hall if you need anything.” Leslie shifted her bag from one hand to the other. She sighed and looked at Jessie. “I haven’t even asked

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