Southern Zombies 4: Southern Revenge

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Book: Southern Zombies 4: Southern Revenge by Ann Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Riley
we wrong for that? Of course. We showed a complete lack of respect, but hey, it was funny. That should let you know how much she was actually hurting us. But Marc broke down like he was being beaten with a chain embedded with nails. He was screaming at the top of his lungs.
    Kelley and I found this to be entertaining as we knew he was putting on an Oscar worthy performance. Needless to say, when we all had our whipping, Marc decided to take vengeance on Kelley and me with a two by four board and a BB gun.
    A two by four across the back of the legs is not a pleasant experience and I think I still have BBs lodged in my legs.
    Looking back, I really don’t see how we survived each other during our growing years. We fought and tried to maim each other, but, the fact remained that we stuck together. Tammy came along later and I think we all had the protective instinct towards her. However, Kelley and I did aggravate her, but we never fought with her like we did with Marc. Those were the carefree days of childhood, even if you did have to fight with siblings.
    I head into our bedroom to clean my rifle and make sure I have everything ready. Bobby is already in there getting his bag together.
    “You got the extra ammo?” I ask him.
    He nods.
    “I have a bad feeling.” Bobby says.
    “Like what exactly?” I ask him.
    “Like something is going to happen that we can’t prevent. It’s just a feeling.” He says.
    “We have to be on alert at all times. They are out there, watching. They want Robert and we are just an obstacle. We can’t let our guard down. And no heroics. Do you understand?” I ask Bobby.
    He looks at me as if I am speaking in a language other than English then says, “Practice what you preach.”
    “I will be careful. I promise.” I tell him.
    “Somehow, that isn’t very comforting to me because I don’t believe you.” Bobby says with a smile.
    I stick my tongue out at him.
    I go back to my weapons check and knife hording. Riley is staring at me. This little dog can always tell when I am about to leave. He sticks to me like glue when he thinks I am going somewhere. He doesn’t care that I am just going outside, he just knows I am going.
    Looking to make sure I have everything as I want it, I rummage around for some clothes and head to the shower. When I am done, I come out to find Riley still staring. However, he has moved to the bed at this point. I walk over and rub his ears. He then proceeds to go belly up for his belly scratch.
    I hear a noise in the hallway, like something hitting the sides of the walls. I walk over to the door and see Remington coming down the hall in her walker. She stops and starts crying. Loudly. I look under her walker and see she has a wheel stuck. I walk over and give her a push and she goes on her way. Gabby comes down the hallway and I point over my shoulder to where Remington was last seen. She has apparently gotten stuck again as she starts crying.
    I love kids, but I’m glad I never had any. I don’t think my nerves could take it.
    As I close our bedroom door, I can still hear Remi fussing and crying, no doubt, stuck again.
Chapter 16
    The sun through the window woke me. I turned over and saw that Bobby was already up, but Riley was there, on his back, looking at me.
    “Really? You’re going to watch me all day Riley?” I ask him.
    He wagged his tail.
    I get up and look out the window to see Marc, Bobby and Mitchell on the patio. Our patio has limited view since Diane has all types of vines and plants out there. It is hard to see past them if you are looking in.
    I dress and head to the kitchen. I need my morning Pepsi. Hell, soon we won’t be able to get them anymore. Soon, we won’t be able to get any of the luxuries anymore.
    “What’s up men?” I ask anyone who will answer.
    Bobby does.
    “Talking and planning.” He says.
    I nod.
    “Who is at the guard posts

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