Southern Zombies 4: Southern Revenge

Free Southern Zombies 4: Southern Revenge by Ann Riley

Book: Southern Zombies 4: Southern Revenge by Ann Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Riley
Rosa says.
    “So they were holding people against their will?” I ask her.
    She nods.
    “They would put together a group to go out and raid other people for their goods. The last time, Robert refused to go. The next day is when we left. If they find us, they will kill us and everyone here.” She says crying.
    “Don’t worry about that. Now that we know, we can prepare for them. Is that who has been shooting and walking around the edge of the woods?” I ask her.
    “Yes.” She says.
    “The man that y’all caught and were trying to question was one that Robert recognized from that círculo del infierno.” She says.
    “Circle of hell, huh?” I ask her.
    “Yes. That is what that place is.” She says.
    I nod.
    I give her hand a squeeze and tell her to get some rest.
    I head back inside and tell the family what I just found out.
Chapter 15
    “At least now we know what we are up against.” I tell everyone.
    “We need to prepare. Is Trey still out of commission?” I ask.
    “Yes.” Becky says.
    “Ok. He can get the watch schedule set up. Tell him I want two at a time on watch. Make sure they get to sleep before the watch. If I catch any of them asleep, I will kick their asses. Make sure you tell them I said it.” I tell Becky.
    She snorts.
    “Marc, since you are the weapons expert, get all the weapons and ammo together so you can sort through what we have and don’t have, then make sure everyone is stocked up.” I tell him.
    “Mitchell, make sure all of the guard posts are stocked with supplies. Once we get to the posts, we need to stay until we are relieved. Make sure there is water, food and medical supplies at each post. Tell Tammy to make small medical kits to place there.” I say.
    “Kelley and Diane, watch the front and make sure the babies are hidden and safe.” I tell them.
    “Robert.” I yell out the door.
    “Get your ass in here.” I snap.
    He comes in looking at me like I have just thrown worms in his cereal.
    “Yes?” He asks.
    “The next time you have someone following you, tell us, or I will send your ass back to where you came from. You have put us all in danger by withholding that bit of information.” I tell him.
    His eyes grow big and he opens his mouth to say something. I hold up my hand.
    “Never mind. I know what is going on and the next time I will kick your ass for not telling us.” I tell him.
    He nods.
    Bobby and I head out to our post in the barn to make sure we have everything stocked.
    “I’m so tired of this shit.” I tell him.
    “Me too.” He says.
    Riley is sniffing around the barn. Hunting I assume. After all, he is a hound. He comes over to look at me as if he wants to ask if I am going to sit down or not.
    “Let’s go see if Trey has the schedule made yet.” I tell Bobby.
    He takes my hand and we head into the house.
    Trey is sitting at the table when we go in.
    “Done?” I ask him.
    He nods.
    I take the list and post it on information board that we made for details like this.
    Marc is in the family room sorting weapons and ammo. Kelley is helping him. Although I don’t know if she is helping him, or just in there to aggravate him.
    This takes me back to our younger years. Kelly, Marc and I grew up together, more like siblings rather than an aunt, niece and nephew. Marc terrorized us. Of course, we did him too, but he was hell bent on destruction when he terrorized us. He aimed for the kill when he came after us.
    I remember a day when we all got whipped. Yes, when I grew up, we got a whipping. With a belt. And we didn’t turn out to shoot into theaters, churches or schools.
    Diane thought she was the belt whisperer. I think trying to deliver punishment to three children who were as big as you was a bit more than she bargained for. We were all fighting, as usual, and she had apparently had enough of us. So she got the belt out. Kelley and I laughed at her while she whipped us. Were

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