The Twisted Kiss: Doomsyear, Book 1

Free The Twisted Kiss: Doomsyear, Book 1 by Anya Bast

Book: The Twisted Kiss: Doomsyear, Book 1 by Anya Bast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Bast
whiff of his cologne, made her stomach do another slow flip.
    Gathering the last of the dishes, she returned to the kitchen to enjoy the sight of two gorgeous, hunky men cleaning up. She helped them by wiping down the counters, only to be lifted bodily by Christian and set into one of her kitchen chairs.
    He wagged his finger at her. “Sit. We’re both bachelors and know how to handle ourselves in here. No worries.”
    So she relaxed and watched them move. There was something oddly sexy about watching two muscular men doing such domestic tasks. Her eyes were drawn—as always—to the way their arms and chests flexed when they performed even the smallest of movements.
    Was it wrong that watching these men clean her kitchen turned her on? Of course, watching these particular men do just about anything turned her on.
    Michael leaned against the counter when they were done and looked out into the night-dark sky. It was still raining.
    “Did you come over here on your cycle?” she asked him. Michael driving his cycle in the rain concerned her. He was a vamp, all big and strong, but he wasn’t immortal. It jarred her how much the thought of his getting hurt bothered her.
    “No.” He jerked his head toward Christian. “He came over to yell at me. We made peace and decided to come over here together.”
    “Yell at you?” She looked at Christian “About what?”
    “You, of course.” Christian grinned. “It’s pretty much all we have in common.”
    “I bet you have more than that in common.”
    “Maybe.” Christian glanced at Michael. “I gotta say that as vamps go, he’s not a bad one.”
    Michael grinned. “Thanks for the high praise.”
    “No problem.”
    Christian walked over to her and pulled her from her chair. She gave a little surprised cry when she ended up flush against his chest. “You’re more than enough anyway.” He dropped his head and kissed her, his lips slanting over hers slowly and then parting to allow the slip of his tongue.
    She melted against him, her hands gripping his upper arms. For a moment, she worried about Michael, who was standing in the kitchen watching both of them, but then Christian’s kiss deepened and she couldn’t worry after that—or think.
    He pulled her away from the table and held her close, taking his time with the kiss, exploring her tongue with his and making little sounds like she was the best thing he’d ever tasted. His kiss made her think of the night they’d spent together, of naked, entwined limbs and skin sliding against skin. It made lust fire up in her belly and want it again.
    Christian broke the kiss and she staggered back against the table, her eyes slightly unfocused. He gave her a cocky grin—so very Christian. He understood the kind of effect he had on her and he loved it.
    Michael stood not far away, fists clenched and a dark look in his eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was jealousy that made him look that way or pure, flat-out desire. Something in the pit of her stomach told her it was a combination of both and she wondered what would come of that. Michael was intelligent and sensitive, but he had a dangerous edge to him too. Christian was tough and protective, funny and kind, and, overall, less complicated. Her gaze met Michael’s and held. His pupils seemed to go larger and darker. It made her heart thump in her chest.
    Suddenly she needed to be away from both of them, away from this confusion and the heavy feeling that had entered the room—lust and expectation. She needed to be away from all of it.
    Ripping her gaze from Michael’s, she turned and left the room. She went for the foyer and her jacket. She could head down to the bar for a few hours, drown herself in work. Anything to distract her from this situation she’d been thrust into.
    Michael reached her with preternatural speed, took her by the arm and whirled her to face him. He yanked her up against his chest and whispered against her mouth, “Give in to us.”
    She shuddered

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