Finding You: The Switched Series book one

Free Finding You: The Switched Series book one by Brittany Bromley

Book: Finding You: The Switched Series book one by Brittany Bromley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittany Bromley
Grace, not sure where the Callie came from. What is your horse’s name that only likes you?” I ask.
    “Starlight,” he says. “My little sister had a stuffed horse when she was little. She named it Starlight and it went everywhere with her. When I found this horse, she reminded me of that stuffed animal for some reason, so I named her Starlight. Brody has yet to let me live that name down. Of course he has no idea why I named her that. I guess I just didn’t want him to know about that part.” Why would he name a horse after his sister’s stuffed animal? That seems a little odd to me.
    “Does she still have the horse?” I ask. He just sits there looking over the water before turning his face back to mine.
    “My mom and sister were killed when she was ten. I’m not even sure what happened to that horse. I haven’t really thought about that in years.” I just smile back at him. I don’t know what else to say. I have learned one thing in the past ten years, I can’t stand when someone hears my parents are dead and the first thing they say is oh you poor thing. I’m not the one dead, they are. I was the lucky one. Pity is one thing I can’t stand.
    “Do you, Brody, Jaxon and Collin all work together?” I ask trying to change the subject.
    “Brody and I work mostly undercover, which I’m probably not supposed to tell you. Jaxon and Collin are amazing detectives. They are really good at figuring stuff out.”
    “I wish they had figured out Molly wasn’t their sister twenty six years ago.”
    “That probably would have made both of your lives a lot easier. We used to tell Molly she was adopted all the time when she was little. I mean look at her, she looks nothing like them,” he says.
    “She looks just like my mom did,” I say. “What is Molly really like?” I ask, turning around to face him. Our knees are touching now and I’m trying really hard not to think about that fact.
    “I honestly haven’t seen her much in the last twelve years. I moved away when I turned eighteen. I came back a couple of years later, but she was already gone to college then. I usually see her at holidays, but that’s all. She’s kind of stand offish now. She used to be in your face annoying, but not anymore. I don’t know what happened to her,” he says, putting his hand on my knee. “Are you ready to head back?” Nodding at him, I stand up at the same time he does.
    We are outside with hundreds of acres around us but we are standing in about two feet of space staring at each other. I am about to move around him to get some space when his hand comes up to my face. His fingers are below my ear and his thumb is rubbing my cheek. “I’m not going to kiss you,” he says, staring down at my lips.
    “Okay,” I say. I don’t know what is happening right now, but it is taking everything I have not to grab his face right now until my phone rings breaking the spell. I grab it out of my back pocket and look down at the screen, Clay. I push ignore on the phone and slide it back into my pocket. He can definitely wait.
    “We should go,” he says, letting his hand fall to his side and turning around to head back to the horse. I am going to have to find a hotel when we get back to the house. This will not work.
    The ride back to the barn is very quiet. He is barely touching me this time and I have no idea what I have done to make him change like this. We get back to the barn and he is on the ground as soon as we stop. “You can go back to the house and shower or whatever. I’ll put them back up,” he says, barely glancing in my direction.
    “Okay, thank you for today,” I say to him and he completely ignores me. What is going on with this man? “Ash,” I yell.
    “What?” he yells back at me.
    “I said thank you. I don’t know what I did to ruin your day, but I’m sorry.”
    “You didn’t do anything. Everything is fine. I just need to get them put up. It looks like it’s going to storm.”
    “I’m going to

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