Cool With Her

Free Cool With Her by Kenny Wright

Book: Cool With Her by Kenny Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenny Wright
imagination. Had my wife just told me she wanted to be DP’d? We’d tried anal a couple times, and I knew I hadn’t been her first, but this was in an entirely different league.
    For the longest time, we just stared at each other, wild-eyed and speechless.
    “Say something, Jason. Are you upset?”
    “No.” The answer to that question was easy. “No way. God, it makes me so hot, just thinking about that.”
    “Being taken by two strong men? Being crushed by all that hard testosterone? Being used like a fucking total slut?”
    I wanted to say no to all of her questions—I wanted to deny the misogyny that they implied—but she’d been nothing but truthful, so I was, too. “I love you, Beth. I love how strong you are, and how smart. I’m in love with all of you, but yes. Fucking hell, yes. That would be so fucking hot.”
    Her lips crashed into mine, setting sweetness aside. Our tongues ravaged one another.
    “Watching you and Paul snow-wrestle earlier today…” She kissed me again. “That sealed the deal. I wanted to be in the middle of that.”
    “You’re not expecting…”
    Beth giggled when she realized what I was implying. “No, I know you two don’t swing that way.” But then, she added a coy, “But it would be super hot if you did.”
    “ There’s a fantasy I’m not willing to fulfill this weekend.”
    “So you’re game to do the others?”
    I guess, although there was one that we hadn’t talked about. Her being with Paul while I was there was one thing. Her being alone with Paul was different.
    “What about Paul’s?”
    She nodded. “That too, but only if you’re okay with it.”
    The jealousy was back, but I trusted her. And in some way, that taste of the forbidden was so damn arousing. “Yeah, I’m okay with it. After all, I’m going to be fucking his girlfriend… What about Casey? Don’t you think she’ll be a little left out?”
    “Her fantasy was to watch us. I think she’ll be fine.”
    “And what about mine? I never gave one.”
    Beth’s smile oozed from cheek to cheek. “How about all of yours?”
    “All of them? But you don’t even know what they are.”
    “Baby, it doesn’t matter. If I can help you fulfill it, and it’s something you really want, then I’ll do it. If not while we’re snowed in, then later.” She squeezed my cock. “Anything at all, you just tell me.”
    “Want to watch me go down on Amber? She’s never been with another woman, you know, but she’s also curious. I could tell when we kissed.”
    “That would be hot.”
    “What about fucking her while she eats me ? Or what about Casey?”
    “She’s like a sister—”
    “None of that. No more denials. Do you want to fuck her? If that’s your fantasy, I’ll do my best to make that happen, too.”
    “We better get back downstairs,” she said with a cheeky smile.
    “Don’t worry, honey. It’s going to be amazing. Just follow my lead.”

Chapter 7:
    The Game Resumes
    We managed to make it to four o’clock before we started drinking—a sure sign that we were no longer in college. We played through all our party games, but stopped once things got too competitive between Amber and Paul—he even accused Amber of cheating at Apples to Apples, something I’m pretty sure is impossible.
    I kept wondering how Beth would shift things back to the sexual side of things.
    Paul did it for her. “You know, Beth, Casey, and I never got to ask our questions last night.”
    “And I know exactly what I want to ask,” Beth interjected, as if she’d made the point, not Paul. “Of the people in this room that you haven’t slept with already , who are you most attracted to, and why?”
    Very nicely done, Beth. That said, I didn’t want to go first.
    “I’ll answer that one since I basically did yesterday,” Paul said. “While I think you’re a fucking babe, Case, we have too much history. So I’m definitely going with Beth

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