The Seer And The Sword

Free The Seer And The Sword by Victoria Hanley

Book: The Seer And The Sword by Victoria Hanley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Hanley
with Torina. But the months passed, and she was always out of range. He thought of sending her a note. But a note in the wrong hands could get him killed.
    He began to spy on Vesputo, putting himself in danger to do so. Several times, he was nearly caught, but managed to elude his pursuers. Over time, Landen became inordinately stealthy, able to come and go noiselessly and unseen. While others confided in him, he kept all his own secrets with unbending resolve. And he discovered Vesputo’s weakness: women. The commander always kept at least one lady, secretly. Deceit was something he readily engaged in. And still menfollowed him with zealous allegiance, many of them never guessing what sort of man he was. It was as if a dark enchantment allowed Vesputo to dupe men and women while he constantly ascended in power and prestige.

Chapter Six
    Late in the afternoon on a clear day, Torina sat on her horse at a favourite lookout among the high rocks, gazing down into the valley. She was now fifteen years old. The simple lines of her soft green dress set off the curves of her body; its colour brought out highlights in her eyes and hair. The hair, still rebellious to bonds, straggled out in curling streams.
    Though she tried continually to find new ways of being alone, she wasn’t often successful. But today she’d given her attendants the slip and ridden up the ridge by herself.
    She recognized Vesputo’s helmet from far away and hugged herself at the prospect of seeing him again. So strong, noble, handsome and adoring! His cool eyes always warmed when she was near. And his kiss! How he thrilled her. Torina was happy to be in love with the one man capable of ruling after her father. The king often remarked on how indispensable Vesputo had become. He could be trusted, Kareed said, with the most precious secrets and valuable objects in the realm. And, just as important, he could be counted onto wage victorious campaigns whenever needed.
    At first, when the charming commander smiled on her, Torina thought he was only being kind.
    Slowly, with steady devotion and a hundred considerate attentions, Vesputo took hold of her heart. His love was powerful and devoted. In a private moment, he confessed that he’d loved her since she was twelve.
    His unwavering ardour honoured her. With all he’d seen and done, and with all the women in Archeld making eyes at him, he’d chosen her. Whenever she came near, his handsome face lit with gladness. And he was still young enough: not yet thirty. When he kissed her, she never thought of his years.
    Now they were betrothed. As promised, he was bringing horses laden with rare Bellandran goods, for a token of his faith in their love.
    Torina kneed her horse to turn into the adjacent trees, ready to take the trail down to the castle. As she turned from the lookout, another horse blocked her way. A big, grey stallion, with Landen on his back.
    Landen. Their paths hardly ever crossed. When they did meet, it was always in the presence of many other people, with no chance to really speak. Her memories of their friendship had grown hazy. Sometimes she envied him when she caught glimpses of his solitary rides. He’d grown tall and broad-shouldered, and earned a reputation as an unbeatable fighter. Emid had recommended him for command training when he left the barracks. Now he sat on his horse with easy grace.
    ‘Afternoon, Landen.’
    ‘Hello, Princess. Out alone?’
    She smiled happily. There was no answering smile as he gestured at the plain.
    ‘Vesputo has returned.’
    Torina let her joy show. ‘Yes.’ With a flick of the reins, she let him know she was ready to head down the narrow track.
    He continued to block her.
    ‘Please,’ she told him, still smiling, ‘let me by.’
    ‘What a noble plunderer he is.’ Landen ignored her request. ‘Are you to be sold for what a few horses can carry?’
    She laughed in surprise. ‘The horses mean nothing to me! I love him.’
    Landen leaned in. ‘You

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