
Free Untitled by Unknown Author

Book: Untitled by Unknown Author Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown Author
her maidenhead? Kaliq thought-linked to his brother.
       Shrugging, Kamal linked back, Does it matter? Either of us is going to hurt her.
        You're not playing the elder card?
        A minute's difference in our ages seems unimportant now.
        Should we ask her?
        Unfair to her as well as ourselves.
       ―Is something wrong?‖ Eden asked, looking from one to the other.
       ―Only that we must decide who…‖
       ―Oh! I hadn't thought about that. Firsts and seconds and all that nonsense.‖
       Leading her back to the divan, they held her between them, filling between two slices of hard, warm bread.
       ―We have heard that women form an attachment to the man who…‖
       ―Deflowers them.‖
       ―Courtesans cannot afford such sentimentality. We know we will have other lovers. We can but hope our first will be gentle, allowing us to

    remember him kindly. Nothing more than that.‖

    * * * *

    Looking disappointed, her men eased away. She felt oddly cold and abandoned. ―I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.‖
       ―What about your feelings, Eden? Do you dislike us?‖
       ―Or care for us more than somewhat?‖
       ―I… The latter. You have treated me like a friend. Like more than just a vessel for your lust. As if I am more than someone you'll forget when you go home. I…I wish it were possible for both of you to be my first.‖
       Again she sensed some silent communication between them. She wanted to know what they were thinking, but her training forbade her asking.
       Kaliq retrieved the wide sash her droid had left over the back of a nearby chair. ―If it truly doesn't matter…‖
       ―If you truly like us equally…‖
       ―Blindfold me. That's the perfect solution. If you don't mind that I won't know.‖
       ―We don't,‖ they said together.
       She closed her eyes. One of them lifted her hair. The other fastened the sash over her eyes.
       ―Is it too tight?‖
       ―Too loose?‖
       ―Perfect. Moreover, my other senses seem keener. Your voices sound deeper. Your scent seems more pronounced. Your flesh feels firmer yet somehow smoother. I wonder how you will taste.‖
       ―For now we shall taste you.‖
       Lifting her, they placed her on the divan. The velvet felt cool and smooth. She felt them arrange her hair and wondered how she looked to them. Soft groans suggested they found the sight of her pleasing. The scent of vanilla and chocolate wafted in the air. So, they intended to use the gelato she'd prepared just for them and make her their dessert. Her body heat began to melt the semi-frozen confection as they spread it over her breasts, along her thighs, in her bellybutton. Their tongues followed, lapping. As it melted she quivered, wondering where they would begin to truly feast on her. With her aching nipples perhaps? But no. They had yet to finish adorning her body. She could smell cherries even before they garnished her nipples, her belly, her—S weet Goddess— her pussy.
       Unable to halt the words, she said through a chuckle, ―Eat me.‖
       They fell upon her like starving men would assault a feast. One devoured her breasts, the other licked her thighs, her clit , then drove his tongue into her pussy. Now she could smell the pinch of hazelnut she'd used to spice the ciccolato crema gelato. Could hear them smack their lips. Could taste the chocolate when one of them shoved his tongue into her mouth. His thrusts matched his brother's plunges into her pussy. Her creamy, pulsing pussy.
       Someone shoved his gelato-covered, cold finger into her tight little ring. The other, lapping her clit, slid his icy fingers into her pussy. They hurt. Trying to free herself, she bucked and discovered she felt only pleasure. Only exquisite, pounding ecstasy.
       ―Goddess. God-dess. God-desss!‖ she cried, clawing at empty air as they shifted her. Making her a sandwich once

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