Take Two

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Book: Take Two by Karen Kingsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Kingsbury
it was, Chase hadn’t been able to lighten her mood all day. It was late now, and they sat around the room with the Ellisons
     and their daughter, Andi, talking about the week ahead.
    “You really think you’ll finish before the fifth?” Lisa sat next to Keith, but the question was directed to Chase. He was
     the director, the one with the skill in the editing room.
    “We have to do color correction and sound mixing. The principles are scheduled to meet us at the studio early next week for
     voice touch-ups. And we’ve hired someone to work on color. The guy’s amazing.”
    “Is there money for that?” Kelly’s question came out sharp, pointed. She sat across the room in a worn-out chair they’d gotten
     at a garage sale. One more sacrifice in the quest to make movies.
    “We’re still working with money Ben invested at the close of filming.” Chase dug deep for an extra dose of understanding.
     He’d told her this before. “We can definitely get through the editing process.”
    “But if there’s no theatrical release?” Kelly looked tired and anxious, the lines between her eyes deeper than usual. She
     didn’t have to spell out the dire financial consequences. Not with Andi in the room.
    “No one’ll take you seriously if you go direct to DVD.” Andi sat on the other side of her father. She’d been a great help
     with Molly and Macy today, and now they were asleep she seemed glad to be part of the adult conversation.
    Andi was right. If she hadn’t said it, Chase would have. The financial concerns were only part of the trouble they faced.
     They had to wrap up editing and submit to the film festivals Kendall had lined up. Then they needed to pray for a favorable
     response from the festival committees. If that happened, they’d have a good argument for a theatrical release when the studio
     screened the film. Not only so people would take them seriously, but so they would have a chance to earn back the money they’d
    “Luke Baxter is working on the studio contract, looking for a loophole. But he agrees that we need to pray. God’s the great
     Counselor, after all.”
    Kelly raised a wary brow. “Lawyers don’t work for free. It all costs so much.”
    “We’ve accounted for that, Kelly. Obviously.” Chase immediately regretted his tone. Kelly had a right to feel nervous.
    “I was just asking.” Kelly tried to hide her hurt, but her eyes gave her away. She stood and headed for the kitchen, glancing
     first at Keith’s wife. “More coffee?”
    “Definitely.” Lisa joined her, and they rounded the corner into the kitchen.
    At the same time, Andi stood and headed to the back room to work on a paper for her English class. Once they were gone, Chase
     heard Kelly’s defeated laugh. “This thing is going to break us all — you ever feel that way?”
    Chase couldn’t hear Lisa’s answer, but his wife’s lack of confidence made him feel suddenly tired — too tired to continue
     the conversation. He looked at Keith and saw his friend had also heard Kelly. He kept his voice low so the wives and Andi
     wouldn’t hear him. “I thought we were past this. A few months ago she was nothing but supportive.”
    Keith was within arm’s reach, and he put his hand on Chase’s shoulder. “You can’t blame her for being worried.”
    “Lisa’s not.”
    “Of course she is.” Keith’s smile was layered with wisdom. “She doesn’t talk about it the way Kelly does, but if we don’t
     make our money back on this movie, we’ll lose our house.”
    The news hit Chase with a cold wave of reality. “That bad?”
    “Yes.” Keith clasped his hands and stared for a moment at the place between his feet. “We took out a second mortgage on the
     house, and the payments are way beyond our comfort zone. Same as you.”
    Chase nodded, his mind drifting. He and Kelly rented the house they were in, so as long as he drew a salary from their work
     they wouldn’t be homeless. But their credit cards

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