A Sexual Revenge
    Madison Langston
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    P U BL I S H ED B Y :
    Madison Langston on
    A Sexual Revenge
    Copyright © 2 012 by Madison
    All rights reserved
    This book is a work of
fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places,
events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters and
situations are products of the author’s imagination and used
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    An explicit excerpt from A
    I put on my new sexy
outfit–a matching bra, panties and hip-length nightie. Then I made
Steven’s favorite drink and met him at the door, drink in hand.
Steven looked especially sexy that day, his short blond hair was
tousled from running his fingers through it, a habit I never wanted
to break him of; I love his tousled hair. Even before he’d set his
briefcase down, I kissed him and licked across his lips. Without
saying a word I took him by the hand, led him to the bedroom and
began undressing him. As he downed the drink in one draft, I saw
the sultry burn in his eyes and knew he wanted to fuck me
    Steven is quite a bit
taller than I, so I had to reach up to take off his tie. As I
pulled the knot and dropped the tie to the floor, he slipped out of
his suit coat, tossed it toward the loveseat, and began unbuttoning
his shirt.
    “ No! Wait, I want to
undress you. ”
    His expression grew darker
and I could tell the idea appealed to him. In a moment I had him
down to his briefs, his cock straining at the cotton. I stroked him
through the fabric before taking hold of the waist band and pulling
his shorts down to the floor. His cock sprang free, and so did the
sexy masculine scent of his genitals.
    I’m no expert, but from
what I’ve read, Steven is about average in the penis department,
probably six or seven inches, but it is a beautiful piece. When
erect, the purple head is entirely exposed. The slight valley
created between the head and the foreskin is the perfect size for
my lips. It’s a big turn-on for me to take just the head in my
mouth and suck while flicking my tongue underneath.
    Placing my hands on his
hips, I licked the crease next to his thigh and received a thank
you twitch from his cock when it stroked my cheek. He hadn’t
showered since this morning, and his strong and sexy scent made my
vagina swell. I took his erection in my mouth, thrilling to the
silky, smooth feel of the head on my tongue. Taking it deeper, my
lips rippled over the ribbed veins along his length. The viscous
texture and salty taste of his leaking fluid, whetted my appetite,
and I ran my finger along the underside of his erection, producing
a mouthful of the stuff.
    Steven reached down and
pulled me to my feet, saying, “ God, Joanne, you’re sexy. That
outfit is amazing. I almost lost it when I opened the door and saw
you. ” He kissed
me, and his tongue explored my mouth. The thought that I was
feeding him his pre-cum made me tremble. My knees went weak with my
arousal, and I felt my own fluids begin to seep.
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    by Madison Langston
    My n ame i s Joa n ne T ra v ern, a nd I ’ v e b e en ma r r i ed t o S t e v en f or n ear l y t hr e e y ear s , no w . F or th e f i rst t w o y ear s , w e li v ed
and w orked i n Por tl and, O r e gon. S t e v en i s an a tt orne y , and
I w orked as a n as s oc i a t e pr o ducer i n t e l e v i s i on. A b out a y e ar a go, w e re a li zed o ur mar r i age w as i n t roub l e. W e d i scus s ed i t a nd de c i ded w e w ere gro w i ng apart be c ause
of o ur s epara t e ca r eers.
    O ne
ma j or
pro b l em w as our
sex li f e. T o me i t se e m e d our
sex w as “ s l am- b a m , th ank y o u , ma ’ am
and g o t o s l e e p ” . S t e v en agr e ed our sex w asn ’ t w hat i t s h ou l d be and
promised to work with me to make it better. W e b l amed o ur l i f es t y l e of r ush i n g a rou n d t r y

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