Blood Prize (Bloody Dance #1)

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Book: Blood Prize (Bloody Dance #1) by A Muse Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Muse
form. Most demons revert back to their demon forms after that kind of beating.” Kenji was mocking me. I felt myself be turned over onto my back. Ban’s face was close to mine. He smelled like blood and spices. It was a pleasant scent. One that I committed to memories years ago.
    “Natsu is so much more.” What did that mean? What more was I? I was no one. I was nothing. I was Zero.
    “Let’s kill him and the girl already.” I swallowed, they knew Aya was here. Of course, they did. Even this weak I could smell her fear. I could hear the sound of her pounding heart. This was our end. Our team all die in this place. Dragun was our resting place.
    “Natsu isn’t to be touched. If you ever try to kill him, you will learn true pain and fear.” I could hear the threat in Ban’s voice. Did Kenji hear it? Why was he protecting me? After beating me, Ban never killed me. Why? Was he mocking me?
    I sucked in a breath as Ban groped me. How could my body still react to him? Ban only smiled he leaned down pressing his lips to mine. I didn’t kiss him back. I didn’t have the energy. I didn’t have the drive.
    “Be a good boy, Natsu,” Ban whispered in my ear kissing me again. “Goodnight, my love.” He bit into my neck again. I hissed at the pleasure and pain his bite always bring. Then there was nothing at all.

    Night came as it always does and somehow my brother had escaped before my parents noticed. I regretted not going with him as I watched my mother pull out board game after board game. SORRY was the flavor of the evening.
    I hated this game, I was pretty sure my sister sat the deck. It was why the ones and twos kept coming when it was her turn to draw a card. Any time I made it out of START she would get a SORRY and flick my little green pawn off the board.
    The doorbell rang and I jumped up off the floor. My father eyes shifted to me probably wondering if I was waiting for someone. I wasn’t, but anything was better than listening to another ‘You suck’ comment my sister was tossing my way.
    “I’ll get it,” I called moving towards the door before anyone else could. The bell rang again before I got to the door. Pulling it open the air sucked out of my lungs. The man on the other side was beautiful. He looked like he belonged in movies and on covers of magazines. People like him didn’t show up at our house in the middle of the night.
    There was something about him that screamed dangerous. His eyes held me and I couldn’t move. I could hear my heart racing, I could feel my mouth going dry. He eyes; they were so dark they looked black. I never saw anyone who had black iris. Maybe they were contacts, a lot of people was getting red eyes mocking the supposed demons that were among us.
    He couldn’t have been much older than me, late teens to earlier twenties at the most. His hair came to the center of his back. It hung around him like a curtain. He had this smile on his lips. A smile like that promised you pleasure you couldn’t imagine.
    “Can I help you?” I found my voice. He was taller than me by a noticeable amount. His shirt was fitted and hinted at the muscles that rested under it. His jeans hung off his hips slightly. There was a ring on a chain around his neck. It was probably my imagination, but I could have swore it glowed softly.
    “My car just broke down and my damn cell phone died. Do you mind if I use yours?” He smiled again and I looked at him. Was anyone really that unlucky? It sounded like the opening line of a horror movie. “My name’s Ban, by the way.” He held his hand out to me. I bit my lip but left him hanging.
    “Who’s at the door, Zero? It’s your turn.” My mother voice yelled through the house and I turned around to see her coming towards the door. I held the door open a bit more letting her see the handsome stranger. I watched as she ran her fingers through her hair and shifted her bra around. Rolling my eyes was she

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