Manhunter Revelations
doorway to the garage. Adjacent to
that door on the right was a stairway to the upper loft area, which
was my living quarters, gym and combat training area. Adjacent to
the right of the stairway was the opening to the workshop where the
weapons and other equipment was repaired. Walking through the
workshop in the back is a small locked room, which was the armory.
Continuing down the hallway was another small hall to the left to a
bathroom equipped with a large jacuzzi tub, shower and toilet
facilities. Past the bathroom was the doorway to the weapons range.
Across the small hallway from the bathroom was another opening from
the workshop. The garage was large enough to accommodate three
large vehicles, but was used to store my Battle van, Yolanda's
sports car, and an ATUV, which I used for general transportation.
There was also space for Doc Med to park his vehicle when he
visited. Going up the stairs to the upper loft you enter a open
space. Directly in front of the stairs about twelve feet away is a
fireman pole, which allows fast exit to the floor below right
between the garage and workshop next to the armory. To the left of
the stairs is the gym area. To the right of the gym area is more
open space where another stairway is located. This is my private
entrance stairway. Adjacent on the right of this stairway is
another equipment storage and repair shop, which I use on my
personal equipment and for extra storage. To the right of the
stairway from the first floor is the Combat Training area, and to
the right of it is the bathroom also fully equipped with jacuzzi,
shower and toilet facilities. Turning one hundred and eighty
degrees as you come up the stairway from the first floor you will
see my main living area, which has a king size bed against the far
wall with a couch, small couch and lounge, and large comm display
to the left of the bed. To the right is my comm unit, and closets.
In the corner of the space to the right of the bed is a small
spiral stairway leading down to the first floor to the hidden
emergency exit.

    I hobbled back to the med area and got up on
the exam table. Doc Med examined my left ankle, which was still
extremely sore. He examined my rib area, head, and back. In fact he
did a complete medical workup on me. At first I started to
complain, to no avail though. While he finished the lab tests and
such I moved back into the dining area and commenced to fix me a
bowl of cereal. Even though I had played it off, my body was still
one mass of pain. Without realizing it I missed Viela and her
skills. That woman was very good at her job, in more ways than one.
When Doc Med was finished and had all the lab results and such back
he sat down in front of me at the counter, look at me and
    "Well son, you barely made it out intact this
time. You have two cracked ribs which is already healing nicely,
your back muscles are severely bruised, you have a class two burn
on your abdomen that is also healing nicely, and your ankle is also
very badly bruised, yet healing nicely. Judging from the condition
your ankle is in, it is only by your enhanced musculature and the
density of your bones that your ankle and foot wasn't crushed. I
read Yolanda's report on Lenevos and he was more than capable of
crushing your bones to dust if he had been given a little more
time. As it is you will need at least a month's rest to fully heal
all your injuries even with your healing ability”
    "That is fine by me doc. I want nothing more
than to crawl into bed and sleep for a month. I hate to say this,
but I severely under estimated Lenevos and his now known son
Kilgore. This is about as close to being killed as I have ever
come. The client definitely did not fully inform me of all the
facts surrounding Lenevos, which is a violation of the contract,
plus the information I did get I now suspect to be faulty. The man
and his son displayed unbelievable physical strength. They both
must have been part of some illegal bio

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