that it was abandoned was an added
bonus since any abandoned building not over three stories tall
could be claimed by any individual with the only requirement for
such was that the building be fully restored to meet or exceed the
city's present building safety codes, which basically was to insure
that the building would not fall down, and that all electrical
wiring and plumbing was up to spec codes. It also must have a
wholesome and pleasing look to it. Buildings, which looked worn or
in bad condition was subject to demolition period. So if you wanted
to take over an abandoned building you had to restore it fully. It
took me almost a year to do so, but I completely restored most of
the warehouse for my living and working space and moved the
business out of the old building my uncle and I had previously
worked out of. On the first floor of the warehouse as you
approached the building on the left was my main office door. Inside
that was a small foyer where the visiting customer was fully
scanned for weapons, explosives and possible biohazards. If cleared
there was another door, which allowed them to enter the
Reception-Conference area. Both the outer and inner doors and the
foyer's walls was NanoSteel reinforced. Nothing short of a blast
from a military tank would dent them. The walls around the lower
level of the building was also NanoSteel reinforced to prevent
entry using explosives. In my line of work the extra security is
needed as it is not unknown for past or present perps or associates
of such I have brought to justice to seek revenge against me. So
once prospective clients entered the Reception-Conference area, it
is there I would meet the client to hear the nature of their
business, and to decide whether to take their case or not. These
meetings are very rare as most of my jobs are setup and finalized
via comm. Prior to the comm conference with the client, Yolanda
obtains verification of a court ordered Manhunter Warrant. This
insures that I won't travel across the country only to find out
there is no warrant and thus no job. When you entered the
Reception-Conference room on its right side was Yolanda's desk and
comm station. Behind her was a door that led to her private
quarters. Even though she had her own quarters further in town, I
had provided a large living space for her so that if she had to for
whatever reason, she had her own private quarters to stay in. To
the left side of the room was a series of cabinets, which stored
any supplies Yolanda needed. Near the far wall was a large
conference table, which was used to discuss contracts with
prospective clients. On the other side of the large conference
table was another door, which led to the Main Comm Room. This room
is filled with the latest in comm and computing equipment, some of
which I consider suspect as it mirrors some equipment I have seen
in military installations. Yolanda assures me though that the
equipment is legal, furthering my belief that a lot of her past
history may have been in government work. The Main Comm room is
where Yolanda does most of her Maxinet and other research. On the
far side of this room is another door to the kitchen and dining
area. When you entered the kitchen dining area you noticed it was
walled off on three sides but to the right it was fully opened to
the hallway. Entering the hallway, off to the left was the Med room
and to the left of that was a general storage area. Hidden in the
far corner of the storage room was a hidden emergency exit. The Med
room was essential in my line of work. Being confined to a hospital
for recovery isn't such a good idea. This room comes in handy
because it was fully equipped and in the event a high security
situation was required, an injured person could be attended to
there. To the right of the kitchen dining area, the hallway
extended to the bathroom, workshop, armory, weapons range area, and
to another door to Yolanda's quarters. Straight ahead as you left
the kitchen-dining area was the
Baibin Nighthawk, Dominick Fencer