Bubblegum Blonde

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Book: Bubblegum Blonde by Anna Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Snow
investigating planned, and there was no way I was going to start I without my beloved coffee.
    I pulled up to the drive-thru window and placed my order.
    While I waited on my order to be filled, I checked my text messages and found that for once I didn't have any, so I switched over and checked my email. I had three messages waiting in my inbox. One from a disgruntled husband whom I'd busted two weeks ago, thanking me for ruining his marriage. I laughed because, honestly, I thought it was his cheating that ruined his marriage. The other two were potential clients asking for a meeting. Most of my clients came into the office or called, but I knew how embarrassing it could be to admit that someone could possibly be cheating on you, so I also offered to make appointments via email.
    I forwarded the emails to Mandy so that she could set up the appointment, then closed out my email and tossed the phone into my purse.
    The kind woman at the window handed my order to me and slid the window shut with a smile. I set the drink carrier in the passenger seat beside my purse and pulled back out into traffic. Ten minutes later I pulled up next to the curb outside the office.
    I killed the ignition, grabbed my purse and the drink carrier, and got out of the car. I bumped the door shut with my hip and made my way across the sidewalk and into the office.
    When I walked inside I found Kelly and Mandy behind their desks, already hard at work. I set a coffee on each of their desks and pulled up a chair.
    "Rough night, boss?" Mandy smiled and pulled her cup closer to her.
    "Something like that," I replied and took a refreshing sip of my own coffee. "Anything happen before I came in?"
    "Nothing." Kelly shook her head. "To be honest, we just got in ourselves," Kelly said. "There're donuts on the desk if you're hungry." She pointed to a bright-pink box on the desktop.
    "Thanks. You know me I'm always hungry," I said and grabbed a donut and napkin.
    "I was fully expecting to see the good detective waiting at our front door because he decided to change his mind and haul you to jail," Mandy said as she tore off a piece of donut. "I mean, I honestly can't believe that he let you off with just a warning. He saw you hop the fence and everything for heaven's sake." Mandy shook her head.
    "Believe me. No one was more surprised by that than me," I admitted with a shake of my head. "I just knew he was going to haul me in the minute he tossed the back of my pants on the desk. He said it was professional courtesy, but I think he took pity on me because I was assaulted with a frozen chicken and ran down the street with my bum hanging out for the entire neighborhood to see." I rolled my eyes.
    "I think he likes you." Mandy nodded emphatically. "I heard him call you beautiful as he was leaving, and the way he looked at you…" Mandy fanned herself.
    My eyes snapped up to meet her gaze. "Don't even go there."
    Because I'd been going there in my dreams all night long. Enough was enough.
    She smiled and shrugged but dropped the subject. Mandy was good at letting things go, unlike Kelly who held on for dear life.
    "Do I have anything on the agenda for today?" I asked quickly, before Kelly had a chance to latch on to the subject of the detective and me. I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes.
    "Your day's wide open, boss," Mandy answered. "I got those emails you forwarded me and called the clients. They're both on the books for next week."
    "Thanks. Normally I'd celebrate the spare time and take us all out to lunch, but this Jason King case is top priority. I need to do a little questioning."
    Kelly nodded. "Who do you plan to question first?"
    "I thought I'd try to question Robert Hatchett. I probably won't get anywhere, but I have to at least try."
    "The killer is usually the spouse," Kelly said and stirred the caramel that had settled in the bottom of her cup with her straw.
    "I know, but from what I've gathered from the media and the police report,

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