Bubblegum Blonde

Free Bubblegum Blonde by Anna Snow

Book: Bubblegum Blonde by Anna Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Snow
down without any real evidence. I do a lot of crazy things for my clients but helping them cover up a murder isn't one of them."
    "How would you know what evidence I do or don't have against him?"
    "I'm a private detective. It's my job. I have my ways."
    We stared at each other, neither of us willing to budge on our stance for what felt like eternity.
    He blew out a frustrated breath and shoved his hand through his inky black hair.
    "Let's cut the bull, Barb." He relaxed in the chair. "We don't know each other that well, but the two times that our paths have crossed today you've been heading straight for trouble, and even though I don't know you, I still don't want to see you wind up hurt because of this guy."
    "I'm not covering for Jason," I said adamantly.
    He blew out a sigh and tapped his fist on his jean-clad knee. "I believe you."
    I blinked uncertainly. "Did I just hear you correctly? Did you say that you believe me?"
    He made a face at my sarcasm then nodded his head. "Yes, you heard correctly, but I do think he's dragging you into something that could get you in trouble or worse yet, hurt. He's not a good guy, Barb."
    "You don't have to warn me about Jason. I already know." I shrugged. "Besides, I'm a grown woman. I can take care of myself."
    I swear I heard him growl.
    "You may be a grown woman, but you're also a fairly new PI. Just promise me that you'll watch your back. If you absolutely have to take on this case, be careful."
    I appreciated his worry for my safety, but I also felt irritated because he thought I couldn't handle myself.
    "Are you saying that because I've never taken on a murder case that I'm some kind of amateur? That I'm not just as good a detective as you are simply because I don't work for the police department?"
    My blood pressure started to rise. I felt my face grow hot.
    "No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm just warning you to be careful. Sometimes the person you think you know turns out to be a total stranger."
    I took a deep breath, because whether I liked it or not, his warning was something Jason had taught me years ago. I'd thought I knew him, but I hadn't. Was Jason taking advantage of me by playing me again? Detective Black had given me something to think about.
    "I was hired by Jason King to prove his innocence, and that's exactly what I'm going to do."
    His brilliant green eyes glittered with warning. A prickle of heat skittered across my skin. He was as hot as sin in the summertime. His gaze bore into mine, and I had to grip the edge of my desk to keep from squirming. He was a big, sexy, pain in my butt, and I wanted nothing more than to throw him down on the desk and ride out my frustration.
    It was totally the wrong thought to think at the time, but hey, my love life was practically nonexistent and had been for more than a year. Sexy stray thoughts were bound to buzz through my head from time to time, especially with someone like Detective Black breathing down my neck.
    He stood abruptly and strode to my office door.
    He turned back to face me. "I'm warning you," he said and pointed at me. "Be careful, and stay out of my way, because I won't hesitate to throw your butt in jail next time I catch you running half-naked down the street…no matter how beautiful you are."

    I would not let the fact that a hunky detective had called me beautiful interfere with my job.
    My dreams maybe but not my job. After Detective Black left my office and I'd given Kelly and Mandy a rundown of Detective Black's visit, they'd called it a day. About an hour later I decided to follow their lead. It had been a long day, and I was starving. I powered down my computer, tossed the offending remnants of my jeans in the trashcan, locked up the office, and went home.
    The second I walked into the house my cat, Mickey, twisted himself around my ankles begging for a pet and some food, even though his dish was almost completely full. Mickey was pretty demanding, but I chalked that up to the

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