The Stand-In

Free The Stand-In by Rosanna Leo

Book: The Stand-In by Rosanna Leo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosanna Leo
weddings always made for a long day. This one seemed longer than most.
    Just as she was about to kick off her four-inch heels, a young man in a red dress shirt approached the bar and sidled up next to her. “Hi,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Elena’s cousin, John.” He cast an appraising glance over her gown. “How on earth have I never met you before?”
    She shook his hand, recognizing the smug grin of a player. “Elena and I don’t get to socialize much anymore. I live out of town.”
    “Where, baby? Tell me so I can visit you.”
    She let out a nervous laugh. “Actually, I’d better get inside. You know, in case your cousin needs me.”
    He ran a curious finger up her bare arm. “Come on, Winn. Weddings are boring. I can tell you’re a girl who likes to have fun.” He held open his suit jacket and showed her the flask stashed in the inner pocket. “Wanna explore the coatroom with me?”
    Oh, great. If there was anything she loved, it was a man who assumed she was up for it within seconds of introducing himself. She stepped away. “Sorry, John. I’m not really much of an explorer. You’ll have to play Christopher Columbus on your own.” As she moved in front of him, he tugged on her arm. She stumbled and had to steady herself so she didn’t drip cranberry juice down her front. “Hey, watch it.”
    “I have been watching, babe. I’ve been watching you all day.” He drew uncomfortably close.
    A large hand came out of nowhere, right between their bodies, effectively separating them. Patrick stepped in front of her and put his hands on John’s shoulders. “Back off.”
    “Who the hell are you?”
    “Her jealous boyfriend. Now back off before I push harder.”
    John put his hands up in an expression of surrender. “Sorry. I didn’t think she was attached.”
    “Oh,” she retorted. “You take no for an answer now that you know I have a man? It wasn’t enough when I said no?”
    The man turned as red as his scarlet shirt and fled into the reception hall.
    Patrick turned to her. “You okay?”
    “Sure. Thanks. Although you didn’t have to come to my rescue. Getting hit on at weddings is one of my occupational hazards. The men always seem to think the bridesmaids are an easy score.”
    He grinned. “You know that tidbit is going in the story, right?”
    “Yeah, I figured. No names, okay?”
    “No names, my lady.” He offered her a courtly bow. “So, now that we’re officially going steady, wanna explore the coatroom with me?”
    Winn laughed and stepped out of her heels. As she wrenched her feet out of the shoes, she stifled a groan. The cold marble floor felt like a piece of heaven on her hot feet. “You’re no better than he is.”
    “Oh, come on. I’m way more charming.”
    She looked at him from under her weighty false eyelashes. “So I noticed.” Charming wasn’t always a good thing, though.
    Mike had been super charming, and because of it, charming men now put her in attack-dog mode.
    Patrick leaned over and pretended to listen to her feet. “Um, I hate to break it to you, but your dogs are barking.” He picked up one of her discarded heels. “Why do women torture themselves with these things?”
    “You mean you don’t like women in heels? Please.”
    He angled his head and appraised the stiletto. “Honestly, I couldn’t care less. Besides, I kind of have a thing for toes. I like to see them. Now show me a woman in Birkenstock sandals, and I’m putty in her hands.”
    She burst into reluctant giggles again. “Right, and I don’t like a man in a nice suit.”
    He caressed his lapel. “Suit porn. Awesome. Now I know your weakness.”
    She pried her shoe out of his hand and slipped back into her heels. “Shouldn’t you be writing something?”
    He pointed at his head. “It’s all up here. I’ll make my notes later. Besides, I’m your plus one. I want to experience the glories of this wedding with you. Shall we go back in? There’s nothing else I’d

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