A Christmas Surprise

Free A Christmas Surprise by Lindsay Downs

Book: A Christmas Surprise by Lindsay Downs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Downs
might be.
    “Inform them I will attend them at half the hour. Did the duke say where this interview was to be conducted?” This she directed to Horsfall while reaching for her now lukewarm tea.
    The butler cleared his throat. “They thought it best to inform you of their corrected decision in the duchess’s private sitting room.”
    “Thank you.”
    With a bow, Horsfall slipped quietly from the room.

Chapter Thirteen
    “Simon, my dear,” the duchess started as her husband stepped into his wife’s private sitting room. “Are you sure this is the best course of action?”
    “Eleanor, I have given the matter a great deal of thought, and we don’t have any other choice. If it was not for her tendency to be so outspoken she would have been married this last Season. Before I came down for the summer, I had a meeting with Kenneth, the Duke of Somerset, at Whites. You remember him.”
    “Oh heavens, Simon! You do not mean to have my precious Aleece marry him! Is not he a year older than you?” Eleanor said with panic in her voice.
    “No. Not him, but his only son, Thomas, the Marquess of Langdonly. He is next in line for the dukedom. Kenneth knows about Aleece and her outspokenness and is sure his son will be able keep her in line.”
    Eleanor let her eyes travel toward the window overlooking the garden, now set to bed with straw covering the delicate plants. “That would be a good thing then. I fear she is sometimes more a hoyden than I was at her age. However, I don’t recall ever meeting the son.” She paused to collect her thoughts. “Didn’t he go into the Guards?”
    “Yes, right after he came down from the university. That’s possibly the reason you do not remember him. I am sure Aleece has never met him either, which is perfect. Both will be able to start out having to learn about each other.” When he noticed his wife start to nod her understanding he continued.
    “He had been wounded in Spain, not seriously, but enough where he cannot serve. When he returned, the marquess spent time at the ducal estate. From what Somerset mentioned in his last letter, Thomas did make it to London during the Season but only briefly. With the injury, the young man finds going out in the ton difficult, as it is almost impossible for him to dance. Now that he is more on the mend, he will be ready to make his bows to the ton , and with our daughter on his arm, it will help cement his position with the elite.”
    “If you think this is best then let us proceed. I am positive Aleece will not be happy one bit with this decision, but that cannot be helped. I know she has her heart set on a love match like ours. As you say, her fire, which you know comes from me, will prevent any chance for what she seeks of finding a marriage of affection.”
    Simon chuckled when his wife said what he’d known for years.
    With a smile Eleanor returned her attention to her husband. “Since we will not be attending the Holly Hall ball, we shall have one here.” She put the right amount of force behind her words so her husband had no room for an argument.
    “As you wish, my dear. I know how you do love to entertain, but please, with the holiday, try to keep the guest list small.”
    He had to say that, even though, if past gatherings were any indication, the final count would be in the hundreds. And as the duchess was want to say, ‘But these are our closest and dearest friends’. Many the duke barely knew, if at all. He gave a noncommittal wave of a hand to signify she could have her wish.
    A knock on the sitting room door signaled the temporary end of their discussion.
    “Come,” Eleanor said in a calm voice.
    At the appointed time, Lady Aleece stood nervously fingering the ribbon at the neckline of her peach-colored muslin morning dress. She’d chosen this particular one as she knew it was her mother’s favorite. Her hair, a deep brown like her father’s, was held at her nape with a simple twist, secured with the pin

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