Born of Fire: The Dawn of Legend

Free Born of Fire: The Dawn of Legend by Dreagen

Book: Born of Fire: The Dawn of Legend by Dreagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dreagen
jumping into the air and driving his fist into the cat’s nose.
    The beast fell to the side and let out an anguished moan as it cupped its nose with its paws. Rex was almost beside himself with shock. Did he really just bring this giant beast to its knees with his bare fists? He looked down at his right hand and saw that the fiery glow around it was intensifying. The saber-tooth shook its head and rose to its feet. Green flame burned from its eyes as it fixed them on him. With yet another flash of fire, it was on him. Rex felt an enormous paw pushing down on his chest. He was gripped by an overwhelming need to defend himself. Grabbing the cat’s wrist with both hands, using every last bit of strength he could muster, he twisted its arm until it snapped so loudly that it echoed through the forest. The saber-tooth howled in pain as Rex pushed it off and jumped to his feet. The urge to fight was now too strong to ignore. Something inside was telling him that it was either him or the beast, that the only way he was going to walk away was if he made sure the other could not. Still, was he a killer, he wondered? In addition, he was also torn by the notion that he was fighting something which, if he was correct, meant he was in a much more astonishing place than he had realized. Regardless, his assailant seemed to be in no mood to give him any alternatives, but could he really win? How could he, after all? He was just a boy. Then again, how had he been able to break the saber-tooth’s wrist only moments ago?
    The saber-tooth bared its teeth once again as it raised its broken wrist almost in defiance. Holding it off the ground, it took several steps towards him before emitting a green glow around the wounded appendage. After several seconds of stillness, the cat suddenly moved its injured wrist and flexed its claws before planting it firmly back on the ground. Rex prepared himself to strike as it leaped over his head, and with frightening speed, spun around and kicked him hard with a back paw. Rex was sent sailing through the air until he slammed into a tree. The beast roared triumphantly before pouncing on him again, this time with its jaws open wide. Rex’s flame, however, instantly ignited before he grabbed hold of the cat and held the two ends of its jaws at bay. It was an impressive sight, a fifteen-year-old boy matching strength with a giant saber-tooth.
    “I think not,” Rex said through clenched teeth just before driving his head into his adversary’s already bleeding nose. There was a sickening thud as blood sprayed everywhere from the cat’s nostrils, showering him. The saber-tooth howled in rage and pain as a crimson pool formed beneath its face. Rex could hear the whisper in his head growing louder and louder, the silent force within him spurring him on. Rex took a step towards the struggling beast. His mind was now flooded with thoughts of killing, a single-minded focus that drove him forward. Those thoughts, however, were soon interrupted by an angry voice. “Do you have any idea how much that hurt?”
    Rex felt all the primal urges fade instantly as they were quickly replaced with shock. “Who said that?”
    “Who do you think?” came the voice again, this time sounding more irritated than hurt.
    “Wait…no…it can’t be,” Rex stammered as the realization that the voice was coming from the saber-tooth dawned on him.
    “Of course it can!” said the cat as he removed his paws from his face and slowly stood up, glaring at him. “I think you broke my nose! What did you expect me to do, shower you with praise?”
    “No, I mean talking, you’re talking,” he replied, now questioning the validity of his sanity.
    “Of course I’m talking! Because of you, I won’t be able to smell anything right for days! What, did you just expect me to stay quiet on the matter?”
    “Uhh…sorry, I guess,” Rex replied, not really knowing what else to say.
    “Sorry?” replied the cat. “You’re sorry? Look at my

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