02 Flotilla of the Dead

Free 02 Flotilla of the Dead by David Forsyth

Book: 02 Flotilla of the Dead by David Forsyth Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Forsyth
speak with Sergeant Major O’Hara.  “That was a fucking bitch.  The bite was low on the forearm though,” said Scott.  “I hope I got it in time.” 
    “Me too, sir.  That would be the case of surviving a Z bite.  Either way, you handled it well, Commodore,” replied O’Hara.  “But now we need to decide if we’ll continue this mission.”
    “Of course we will,” Scott confirmed.  “If nothing else, this was a good lesson to keep everyone on their toes.  All it takes is one little mistake, one reckless move, and one little zombie bite to ruin your whole day.  We can’t let anyone get overconfident or relaxed, and we can’t let them see us turn tail at the first casualty.  This incident should wake everyone up to the danger out here.  For example, when we get to the Marine Reserve base, I don’t want to see anyone open a door until we know what’s on the other side, or we have enough firepower ready to handle whatever could be there.”
    “Yes sir,” agreed O’Hara.  “You want to push ahead now?  Or wait for the helicopter to come back?”
    “Is that a test?” Scott asked with the same stiff grin he had used on Clint.  “Get everyone back in the vehicles and take the lead Amtrac across the bridge to scout and clear the route.  But we’ll hold the rest here until we get our air support back.”
    “In that case, you just passed the test, sir,” said O’Hara “It’s much safer to have the helicopter here to scout the route for the unarmored vehicles and provide air support, or medivac, just in case you need it – like you did just now.”
    “Lesson learned,” agreed Scott.  “Now I need to talk to Mark and his son about what happened here.”
    “It wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t gone ahead on their own,” O’Hara said.  “On the other hand, they did do a good job of taking out the zombies after making the mistake of opening the gate.  There’re at least fifty bodies here.  Someone was bound to get bitten one of these days, sir.  I would still trust both of them to cover me in a firefight.”
    “I know all that,” Scott replied as he turn towards Mark and Jake who were standing next to the H2 with as close to guilty looks on their faces as they were capable of.  Scott approached them and said, “Well, that was a cluster fuck.”
    “I didn’t know they were there,” said Jake defensively.  “I wouldn’t have opened the gate if I knew, honest!”
    “I know that, Jake,” replied Scott.  “I’m not angry with you, and neither was Clint.  He told me it was an honest mistake and I agree with him.  But those are the kind of mistakes that we can’t afford to make.  This one cost Clint his arm and maybe his life.  I should be more upset with you, Mark, for zooming ahead of us.  This wouldn’t have happened if you had kept your position in the convoy.  That can’t be changed now and this is something that both of you will just have to live with.”
    “Come on, Scott,” Mark protested weakly.  “Clint was the one who suggested scouting ahead in the Hummer.”
    “I believe that too,” Scott said.  “That was part of his gung ho airborne attitude and he paid the price for that reckless idea.  My concern now is that nobody else ever has to pay for similar mistakes like that again.  So it’s your choice, Mark.  You two can ‘Charlie Mike’ with me, or return to base.  But, if you follow me, you will follow me.   I need your word that you’ll follow the rules of engagement too, especially the one that reads ‘better safe than sorry.’  Okay?”
    “Yeah,” said Mark reluctantly.  “We’ll Charlie Mike with you and play ‘follow the leader’ too.  You know we’re really sorry about what happened to Clint.”
    “Okay then, let’s mount up.  I think I hear the chopper coming back,” said Scott as he walked back to the armored car.  Billy and his friends gave him a strange look when he climbed into the driver’s

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