Lord Suitor

Free Lord Suitor by Raven McAllan

Book: Lord Suitor by Raven McAllan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven McAllan
ruefully. "However,
never fear. The inn where we'll spend the night is no more than thirty minutes
from here. You won't get a chance to fade away from lack of food."
was as good as his word, and within the half hour, he tooled the horses into
the yard of the Swan, and handed the reins to one of the ostlers who ran over
to help him.
swung down and turned to Cubby, who hovered uncertainly next to the wheels of
the curricle. "Come, let's get somewhere to sleep, somewhere to eat, and
something to fill your ever empty belly." He put his hand on Cubby's
shoulder and urged him forward. Cubby seemed reluctant to follow.
I not stop with the horses? What if someone pinches them?"
looked down at him. The lad did have some flights of fancy, but his eyesight
was sharp, and his intelligence well above average. Several times over the past
few days, he'd been proven correct. Such as saying a wheel looked "dicky"
and then pointing out the pin was loose, or that if Nat wasn't careful, he'd lose
his watch, because the chain was too thin. However, this worry seemed
unfounded. The inn was reputable, and the stables well attended.
they stolen last night?" Nat asked Cubby. "Did someone try to poison
their oats?"
Lord, I never thoughts of that. I'm sleeping wiff 'em." He turned and began
to dart away.
grabbed hold of his collar. "No, you are not. You're going to come inside and
wash, yes, wash."
gasped. "You made me wash yesterday."
I'm going to make you wash today. And also tomorrow. No one shares my room
unwashed, and yes, you will sleep on the truckle bed, not in the stables. Remember
what's going to happen in Devon. You need to prepare. Now, enough. We don't
want Stomburn to think you're a hoyden." He nodded to the rotund landlord,
who beamed at them. "My ward, Stomburn. He worries a lot."
you, young lad. Nowt to worry with his lordship around." Stomburn bustled
around, showed them to their room, and pointed out their private parlor.
"Dinner will be ready when you want it. Your washing water is on its... Ah,
here we are." A smiling maid carried in two large steaming ewers and
blushed as Nat thanked her.
supervised the way she set them down and then hustled her out. Nat grinned at
you go, don't forget to wash behind your ears." He turned to his valet,
who had appeared, and suffered his coat and boots being removed. If he hadn't
known how upset Judd would have been, he'd have either left him behind or sent
him on ahead. However, he did have a way with boots.
glared and dabbed water on his face.
wash properly, Cubby, or I'll dunk you naked under the pump in the yard."
chuckled at the agonized expression on Cubby's face and the groan that
accompanied the youth's actions as he washed and afterward suffered Nat combing
his hair.
Nat finished his ablutions, dressed swiftly, and accompanied Cubby to the
parlor to watch Cubby tuck into several plates of food.
himself partook a lot less heartily. Eventually Cubby put his knife down and
grinned. "I'm fair stuffed."
you should be. You've eaten enough for both of us once more." Nat took a
long swallow of ale and thought of what might greet him once he reached
Fenniston. Beside him Cubby wriggled. Nat looked at him. "What?"
wanner go and check on th'horses." Cubby looked mulish. "Just to make
sure like." It was obvious he would go with or without Nat's blessing. Nat
chose to give it. Otherwise, he'd have to sleep with one eye open to check the
boy if he carried out his threat later.
you go, though, but then back to bed. You understand? When I come up, I expect
you to be asleep and not snoring."
ran out of the room, and Nat returned his thoughts to the letter from his
factor. It had been vague enough not to worry anyone but Nat. Nevertheless,
reading between the lines, Nat knew Frost was concerned about smugglers, and
not just those who

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