Hostile Desires
don’t worry about it. You talked to the doctor, but you did not officially reveal anything. You are in the clear. Del said to go with the no comment and refer them to HPD and Tripler. You know Del would never put your career in jeopardy.”
    She sighed and tried to fight the feelings flowing through her at the moment. Del wouldn’t turn on her like her husband had. He had reassured her of that when he hired her. She had come to trust the former Special Forces commander. He had always made sure to back up anything she said, and in that, she could trust him.
    “He already talked to Carino about it. The press found out about the cold case, but that doesn’t mean we have to answer any questions about the current case. Del wants people to think it’s just a coincidence. He also talked to the mayor and governor.”
    She rolled her eyes as she pulled her keys from her purse. “Sure, that will keep it under wraps. You don’t think it’s connected to the present case?”
    “Not sure. Because so many people are genuinely pissed off about Joe Alana’s death, it could be revenge, but it could be keeping someone quiet. Either way, it’s going to make it difficult to work. There are people who are still not happy about TFH being an organization outside of the HPD jurisdiction.”
    “I would think that after eighteen months, they would get over it.”
    “You were married to a cop. You should know better. Although there are some people who were happy to hand over dealing with the feds to Del.”
    “And yet, they blame him for taking over cases.”
    Graeme shrugged. “Del doesn’t seem to be that bothered by it.”
    She unlocked her car.
    “I have to talk to the Kalanis tomorrow.”
    She stopped and looked at him. No matter who the cop was, talking to the loved ones of the victim was always painful—even thirty years later.
    “I can go with you.”
    He shook his head. “Adam has already offered, and Del wants you to take tomorrow off.”
    She blinked. “What?”
    “He wants you off work tomorrow.”
    “You’ve worked almost twenty-four hours straight. But he said if there was an emergency, then come in. He wants to make sure you don’t wear yourself out. Quit looking for a punch in the gut, Eleanora.”
    “I don’t know. I like Eleanora. Like a princess.”
    She shook her head. “I think you’re the one who needs the day off. Lack of sleep might just be going to your head.”
    He cocked his head to look at her. “Why do you do that?”
    “You try to pretend you’re just normal, just like everyone else. You’re not.”
    “What the bloody hell do you mean by that?”
    He leaned closer, and she thought he was going to kiss her again. Her pulse accelerated in anticipation, as her mouth went dry. “You are not an ordinary woman, Eleanora.”
    Everything seemed to stop as he continued to stare at her. All the sounds of the night faded away, and all she could hear was the sound of her own heart pounding inside her chest.
    He smiled, then stepped back. “Rest well.”
    Elle blinked. It took a second for her brain to start working again, but when it did, she nodded. He waited for her to get into her car, then followed her out of the parking lot, and onto the H-1. She saw him behind her until they reached the exit for H-3. He blinked his lights right before he peeled off to make his way back to Laie where he lived.
    With a sigh, she continued on her way. Right now she couldn’t think about him or the little kiss earlier that evening. She glanced at the time on her dashboard. Actually, that was yesterday.
    Graeme had definitely been right. She had been up almost twenty-four hours. She needed a day off. She just hoped she could get sleep tonight.
    G raeme bolted awake , his ears ringing from an explosion. Cordite still hung heavy in the air, as he gulped in huge breaths of air. He looked around the room and realized it was the phone that had woken him out of a nightmare he

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