Hostile Desires
tales a long time ago. She knew all the experts and their advice, but she lived in reality. She might have been able to build her marriage back up, but now, she wasn’t sure if she could trust a man—even for a little romance.
    “So, are they convinced he had help with his crash?” McGregor asked.
    He didn’t seem to be preoccupied by the kiss. It was probably a very normal thing for him. He probably kissed women he knew every day. Lord knew there would be enough women who would gladly line up and pay for his attention.
    She nodded. “Dr. Myers was very cagey about it, but he alluded to the fact he thought something happened. Fights don’t happen every day at Tripler. They have civilians there, but the majority of the people are military or retirees and their dependents. It is suspicious that it happened like that. He doesn’t know if it was on purpose, but either way, he should have pulled through. Of course, things always go wrong now and then. Katsu was pretty strung out. There were reports of drug abuse as early as twelve.”
    “With a history like that, a bad case of the flu could send him to the hospital. His heart has been abused for years.”
    She clicked the button to unlock her doors as they stopped by the driver’s side of her car.
    “He probably wouldn’t have lasted long in prison,” Graeme said, as he held the door open for her.
    “You think someone would have gone after him?”
    “Yes. Any number of gangs could have gone after him, but top of the list would have been the USO.”
    She glanced at him. “USO?”
    “United Samoan Organization Family. Most powerful gang in Halawa.”
    Which meant they were definitely the most violent. “I’m assuming they have some connection to the police.”
    “Some. You know how gangs go. There are always some gang members who have familial connections to cops, or they’re from the same neighborhood. I’ll assume it’s even harder to break free in Honolulu. Small island, no place to go. You might walk the straight and narrow, but your buddy doesn’t.”
    “Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”
    He nodded. “Although I grew up in a middleclass kind of neighborhood, there were always one or two wankers who went the wrong way. Scotland is a big place, though, and easier to move and start a new life. I would assume here some people feel trapped.”
    “Do you think the USO could have gotten someone into Tripler?”
    He glanced at her. “Why?”
    “Katsu’s connection to the Kalani case only just made news. I don’t think someone from that crime had anything to do with what happened at the hospital. They would not have had time to make it to Tripler, right? Even setting something like that up would be hard to do in that short a time.”
    “But a gang would. There’s always someone ready to take revenge. Bloody hell, that could be any of them too. Joe was seen as an uncle to most of the gang members.”
    Because of their close connections, Hawaiians often used familial names for individuals. Being called uncle or auntie by the younger generation was a sign of respect.
    “So it could be any gang?” she asked.
    He nodded. “I would say the USO might have put out the hit, but there’s a good chance it was left open to any of the gangs. And then you have to add in just normal folks. Joe did a lot of good in the community and someone might see it as a way to pay him back.”
    This time of night in Honolulu was always so peaceful. Trade winds wound through the palm trees. She always enjoyed listening to the palms shift against one another. It was something that could be rarely heard during the busy days. But at night, she could sit on her lanai and listen to them.
    “I talked to Del. He wants to keep this under wraps. He’s already talked to the commander at Tripler. We’re keeping this from everyone but Carino.”
    “I can’t officially say that. It would be lying.”
    He smiled. “Good to know you’re so honest, but

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