In Anyone Else's Shoes

Free In Anyone Else's Shoes by M. L. Joslyn

Book: In Anyone Else's Shoes by M. L. Joslyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. L. Joslyn
position if it meant relocating you to corporate. You’ll need to travel – a lot – to market and corporate, and occasionally to stores in your region, but you’ll be based here. There’s no need to move. Is that OK?’
    ‘That’s … phenomenal! I guess I don’t really even have to think about it, Jason. I wasn’t expecting this.’
    ‘Good – it’s settled then. By the way, since you’re not asking, I guess I’ll just tell you. The job pays double what you’re earning now. Don’t even think about trying to negotiate.’
    ‘I don’t know how to thank you. I’m overwhelmed, to say the least.’
    Emma was hoping that she would be able to express her gratitude later. But Jason had been all business the entire evening. He hadn’t exhibited even a hint of the reticence or bashfulness that defined his inability to communicate with a woman who’d captured his interest. She began to think her previous rejections of his advances had taken hold, and that maybe her opportunity to be with him had passed. Just as well, she thought. Although her position in the company had changed, he would still be her boss; sex would only complicate things and make everything a bit … stickier. Besides, she did prefer her men a bit more confident – a bit more … aggressive. Emma took her win and tucked it in her pocket. Her win-win would just have to wait for another time.
    The drink, the Jag, the promotion – Emma wasn’t sure which was responsible for the warm vibe swirling through her body. They were almost back to Alyssa’s store, where Emma had left her car. Ever the gentleman, Jason had offered to drive her home and then retrieve her in the morning, but she insisted she was fine with their original plan. She glanced over at him and mentally licked her lips, wishing things could have been a little different. She refused to allow the phrase “if only” to enter her thoughts. It had been a good night – a great night – and she didn’t want to tarnish it with pointless notions.
    When they arrived at the store, Emma realised her car keys weren’t in her purse. After a minute’s worth of panic she remembered she had left them atop Alyssa’s desk, amidst the chaotic clutter that perfectly articulated the essence of her friend.
    Jason unlocked the door and held it open for Emma, then accompanied her to retrieve her keys. Scattered slices of light guided the pair through a veiled web of displays and couches, easing their trek to the back of the store. Emma nudged open the door to Alyssa’s office, fingers fumbling across the wall in search of a light switch. While she attempted to illuminate the room, Jason edged ahead and bowed over the desk, seeking her keys. Within a few seconds they were in his hands, and he held them up into a speck of light for Emma to see. She stopped her search for the switch and reached towards Jason – across the room, and into the glow.

Chapter Seven
    Jason extended his hand towards Emma, her car keys pinched between his thumb and forefinger. The space between the two slowly narrowed as Emma inched forward, stretching her arm out to his. Jason released the weighty, metal chain with its tangle of weathered charms and frayed lanyards of purple and pink, and let it slide into her hand. Something was happening, but Emma wasn’t sure what it was. In the dimly lit quiet of the sleeping store, this simple exchange of keys meant something more – something of fuzzy significance.
    ‘Thank you again for the promotion, Jason. I can’t tell you what this means to me.’
    ‘I’ll tell you one more time, Emma; I would not have offered you the position, if it weren’t deserved. You’re actually doing me … us, a big favour by accepting. The more quality people Untamed Soles employs in key positions, the more successful we’ll become. I should be thanking you. Congratulations.’
    Jason offered Emma his hand – not as a gesture of affection, but in a customary, business ritual

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