OUTNUMBERED volume 2: A Zombie Apocalypse Series

Free OUTNUMBERED volume 2: A Zombie Apocalypse Series by Robert Schobernd

Book: OUTNUMBERED volume 2: A Zombie Apocalypse Series by Robert Schobernd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Schobernd
front of people sitting in the front row. "You do not have health issues that prevent you from working. Ira examined you and there's nothing wrong except for your obesity. The reasons you don't work or attempt to exercise are because you are unmotivated, lazy and grossly overweight. Working in the garden is the only job we have for you."
    Nate plowed ahead. "Ira isn't a doctor; he's a veterinarian, and a quack at that. And speaking of the garden, you can't force my kids to work all summer in the blazing sun. That's exploiting child labor and there's a law against that."
    "Dad!" Mitch and Suzie jumped up and Mitch said, "Suzie and I volunteered to work in the garden because we owe these people our lives. All of the kids did, even the smallest ones. We want to help, and you should too. You're an embarrassment the way you carry on and avoid taking any responsibility and shirk the jobs you're given. Please try and work for all of us." Tears ran down both teens’ faces
    Nate turned to his family. "So this is the gratitude and loyalty I get from you spoiled brats for raising you all these years. And you too, Vera. You haven't supported me either."
    Nate turned back to me. "You said you won't send me on any trips because I can't shoot good enough. I've got news for you, I won't go. How come Jerome and James died on two trips you were leading, but you managed to come back without a scratch both times? You're a poor excuse for a leader and need to be replaced."
    Several people spoke at once as pandemonium took over. I yelled and waved my arms for everyone to calm down. "Okay, Nate. Who do you suggest replace me?"
    Nate clearly struggled. "I have management experience, I can lead these people."
    There were loud hoots of derision and laughter from across the crowd.
    "Nate, your family has been embarrassed more than enough, so I won't even put that preposterous suggestion to a vote. The only job open to you is in the garden crew. But your laziness won't be tolerated. You have to show improvement or you can leave. No one here is going to carry you. This is not an entitlement based welfare society."
    Before Nate could retort I said, "That's it, the meeting is adjourned."
    I heard Nate say, "Pack your things, we're leaving. I'll go get the Humvee." In unison Mitch and Suzie yelled, "No, Dad." Mitch put his arm around Suzie and stood next to Vera. "We're not leaving. We're staying here. Suzie and I have talked about it and we're not going with you if you leave."
    Most of the people drifted away. Several hung close-by watching the antics. I spoke with Shane while we both kept an eye toward the Robard family.
    Nate stepped to Mitch and slapped him hard in the face with an open palm. Mitch staggered a step but unflinchingly stood his ground. "I said go pack, and do it now or you'll get another smack."
    Shane and I and several others surrounded the Robards instantly. I grabbed Nate's arm. "Don't you dare strike any of them again. If you want to leave, go; but if your family chooses to stay they're welcome here." I turned to Vera. "I hope you'll stay, too. You won't live long if you leave here because Nate isn't capable of defending any of you. Please stay for the sake of your children."
    Vera still sat. She looked up at Nate with indecision etched on her face.
    Susie sat and hugged her close, pleading evident in her gaze. Mitch knelt in front of Vera. "Please, Mom. We need you here with us. Let him go. All he does is complain about you and knock you around when he's mad. End it now, and let us all get away from his temper tantrums and abuse. We have a home here, and me and Suzie aren't leaving."
    Vera made eye contact with Nate for several seconds, and then she shook her head. She stood, put her arms around both children, and they walked away. Susie looked back with tears flowing but didn't stop. I guessed it was probably the only major decision Vera had ever made of her own volition.
    Nate glared at Vera and his kids and screamed, "Go to hell!

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