The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse

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Book: The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse by Patrick Heron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Heron
contaminated the whole world with their immorality, perversion and violence. And only eight souls preserved their true nature and were saved: Noah and his family.
    Let us take this a step further. If we examine many of the ancient writings and pictures, we see some peculiar images appearing in many of the countries surrounding the area where mankind dwelt during that time. We see pictures of beings who are half-human and half-animal. We see pictures of centaurs, who had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse. We have statues called sphinxes which show a man’s or woman’s head attached to the body of a lion (see Figure 6 ). In yet more reliefs we see other strange animals which appear to have human appendages (see Figure 7 ) as well as four-footed animals with men’s heads and birds with the head of a man.

    Figure 6
    A drawing of a standing female sphinx, somewhat “Asiatic” in appearance, found on a fragment of limestone block dating from the Egyptian late New Kingdom period (Cairo Museum).

    Figure 7
    A creature mostly animal in appearance but possessing some human features. Relief on a black obelisk dedicated to the Assyrian king Salamasar III (British Museum).
    An Egyptian historian named Manethos chronicled these times and wrote extensively on the legends of his country. He describes just such half-human, half-animal creatures and credits the gods with their creation. He wrote:
    â€œAnd they [the gods] were said to have brought forth double-winged human beings, also others with four wings and two faces; and with one body and two heads, man and woman, male and female within one creature; still other human beings had thighs of goats and horns upon their heads; others had the feet of horses; others were horses behind and men in front; there were also said to have been man-headed bulls and four-bodied dogs, whose tails emerged like fish-tails from their backs; also horses with heads of dogs . . . and other monsters, such as all kinds of dragon-like beings . . . and a great number of wondrous creatures, variously formed and all different from one another, whose images they ranged one beside the other in the Temple of Belos, and preserved.” 47
    Could all these be just myth or is there more to this than meets the eye? Many of these reliefs depict similar strange creatures, yet they are found in different regions such as Greece, Assyria, Italy and Egypt. Let us again look at the verse in Jude, this time taken from the King James Version. Speaking of these fallen angels and the activities of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah and those prior to the Flood, we read:

    . . . in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh . . .

    The word “ strange ” here is heteros in the Greek, which means “ another of a different kind, usually denoting generic distinction.” 48
    By the way, the word “ fornication ” here is ekporneuo, which is the intensive form of porneuo , from which we derive our English word “pornography.” So intensive, extreme pornography is what they were involved in. The sin of these people was an unnatural one, breaking through the natural bounds which Yaweh had set. Could this mean cross-breeding between man and animals, or humans breeding with birds etc?
    In reading Genesis six one is struck by the way Yaweh pronounces judgment not only against mankind, but against the animals and other creatures as well. Observe:

    â€œI will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the Earth, men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground and birds of the air . . .”

    One can understand why such a judgment is passed upon human beings, for they have minds and can reason. But why destroy the poor dumb animals, who are blameless? Or is there more to this? Let us consider a passage from the Book of Romans.

    For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power

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