The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse

Free The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse by Patrick Heron

Book: The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse by Patrick Heron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Heron
plants of the field.”
    Genesis 3:17,18

    When Yaweh made Paradise, there was only perfection. Adam and Eve lived in a veritable Garden of Eden. No thistles, no mosquitos, no noxious plants or poisonous insects or snakes. The lion ate grass like the ox. But all that changed after the Fall. Because of the influence of the serpent, the Earth became cursed. Satan and his host of evil spirit beings changed Paradise into a hostile environment. Thorns grew on bushes which had none before. Man now had to toil and sweat to eat. And all the time be bitten by insects or be on guard against other animals or creatures which could inflict harm.
    We know that only good can come from the creator, Yaweh. Therefore the change in the environment had to be a result of the interference in the genetics of the whole universe by Satan and his entourage. Remember, we are dealing with a powerful foe. One who was so full of wisdom and knowledge that he thought himself to be on equal terms with the Most High, Yaweh.
    But why would Satan want to produce such a race of evil people and have them populate the Earth? Remember the first promise and prophecy of the Messiah? When Yaweh pronounced that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent?
    Well, put yourself in Satan’s shoes. Here the Most High is telling him that the lineage of the woman, Eve, will produce the offspring which will ultimately destroy him. So what is he going to do in order to thwart this plan? Well, the obvious thing to do is to kill off the line so that the seed cannot be born and the sentence can be averted. Satan begins to destroy the lineage when he has Cain murder his own brother, Abel. But this does not prevent the line continuing, since Adam and Eve produced many more children. So Satan decides to populate the world with his own seed and corrupt the Earth to such a degree that the line of Adam and Eve is wiped out completely. Thus the seed of the woman is extinguished and Satan preserves his own existence.
    So Lucifer has some of his own band procreate with women and produce children. But these are no ordinary children. They are the offspring of superhuman and supernatural beings, half-human, half-demon, whose only intent is evil.
    We are told that these Nephilim were on the Earth “in those days,” i.e. the days of Noah. Now Noah was six hundred years old when the Flood finally came in the year 2348 BC (see Appendix). This means that the Nephilim were multiplying and living for at least six hundred years prior to the deluge taking place. So these genetically-engineered people were inhabiting the then known world only 1,000 years or so after Adam. We must realise that these Nephilim were totally evil. They were a hybrid of demons and men. They were evil and wicked by nature and could not be rehabilitated and made good, for the evil was in their genes. They were so corrupt and wicked that they had almost totally infected the whole human race at that time.
    So what heinous crime could they have committed which would cause Yaweh to regret that he had made man and decide to destroy all living flesh on the face of the Earth with the exception of eight individuals? And, secondly, who were these people who so corrupted the ancient world? We will now endeavour to answer these two important questions. Firstly, who were these Nephilim of old? Look again at verse four of Genesis six:

    The Nephilim were on the Earth in those days (the days of Noah) and also afterwards (after the Flood) when the sons of God went in to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown .
    (New International Version)

    The above verse contains all the detail we are given concerning these “heroes of old.” But this passage is pregnant with information.
    We are told that the Nephilim were the “heroes of old, the men of renown.” In the Hebrew, “renown” means “the men of name,” i.e. those men who got a name

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