A Time to Protect

Free A Time to Protect by Lois Richer

Book: A Time to Protect by Lois Richer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Richer
business what she did and Brendan was pretty sure Chloe Tanner didn’t like him knowing that she needed the extra cash overtime would offer. “Everybody needs a hand once in a while. Staying here is no sacrifice for me. After all, I can always eat more cookies.”
    She smiled.
    “You go ahead, Chloe. We’ll be fine.”
    She studied him for several seconds and finally nodded. “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome.”
    She hesitated in the doorway. “You won’t get much work done. It’s a Saturday night and Kyle has a movie he wants to watch.”
    “Good. I like movies.” He watched her chest rise with a sigh he couldn’t hear. “Relax, Chloe. You have good kids whom I like very much. We’ll be fine. It’s not a problem.”
    “But it’s a Saturday night.”
    “Yes, I know that.” He waited, watching her face, the careful way she didn’t quite meet his stare. “And?”
    “You must have plans. I mean, you’re single. You can’t actually want to babysit my kids when you could be out—” Her cheeks sported hot pink circles.
    “That’s the third time you’ve hinted that I’m missing a date. Nothing could be further from the truth.” Brendan chuckled at her wide-eyed stare. “Thanks for the ego boost though.”
    “I just meant—”
    “I know what you meant. As it happens I’m free tonight. No big date, so stop worrying. If it will make you feel better, I’ll insist on another dinner with you as payment. Okay?” Like that was a problem!
    She gave him that wide generous smile that made him catch his breath.
    “Very okay. I’d better go change.”
    “Yes.” He watched her walk away with that long-legged stride that emphasized her very feminine shape and wondered why there weren’t men pounding down her door. But that was an exercise in frustration. Besides, Brendan knew he had no business thinking anything about her. She was a part of an ongoing investigation, and he had to maintain a professional distance.
    To distract himself he pulled up his computer files to check out something that had been bugging him since he’d heard it this morning.
    Note to self: Several snitches have reported that someone called El Jefe , aka The Chief, has been contacting Baltasar Escalante’s old cohorts.
    He mulled that over for a few moments. Why would anyone bother with a dead drug lord’s punks—unless they were planning something new for Colorado Springs? More drugs? His heart sank to his toes at the thought.
    “Is something wrong?”
    Brendan shook his gloom away, glanced up at Chloe and smiled. “Not really. Just some stuff from work.”
    “Is it about the mayor’s attack?” she asked, eyes narrowed.
    “Sort of.” He told himself to be careful what he said.
    “You can’t talk about it. I understand.” She turned away.
    Brendan followed her out of the room and into the kitchen, where she began packing a small lunch. Suddenly he wanted to tell her it all, wanted her to listen. It was a dangerous desire for an FBI agent to have.
    “I have a hunch it was a professional job,” he blurted out when it seemed she’d forgotten his presence. “The mayor’s shooting, I mean.”
    “Really? According to the movies, those guys don’t miss very often.”
    “True. Which means either the attacker was surprised or thrown off by something that afternoon. Or maybe God stepped in just in time.”
    She frowned as if his words surprised her. After a moment she returned to what she was doing, adding a juice box, two granola bars and an apple to the bag before peering into a cupboard. That move offered him her perfect profile.
    “So who would want Mayor Vance dead?”
    “Good question. Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer. Yet.”
    “But you’re bothered by something, aren’t you?” She twisted to peer at him, nodded as if she’d confirmed her thoughts. “I thought so.”
    “What do you mean?” He frowned at her quick smile.
    “I can see it on your face. You’ve got your suspicions but you don’t

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