Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)

Free Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) by Emily Jane Trent

Book: Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
command, was all it took. Gianni pulled out the long, padded piano bench. “Sit there,” he said, and turned to go to the bedroom. He wasn’t gone long, and when he returned he held a long rope.
    But it wasn’t just any rope. The length of it was studded with tiny rhinestones. They could be diamonds for all Leah knew. The sparkle was dazzling, and the glitter momentarily distracted her. Until she realized what he had in mind.
    “I want you on your back,” he said, “with your legs apart.”
    The padded bench was much wider than Leah had thought. There was plenty of room for her, and with her head at the top edge, the bench extended to her knees. Emotionless, Gianni arranged her how he wanted her.
    With her legs spread, he placed her arms along her sides. Taking his time, Gianni tied her up with the glimmering rope. He secured her ankles to the bench legs, then guided the rope around one thigh, then between her legs.
    She could feel the rope press between her outer lips, but he wasn’t done. Gianni wound it up and behind her waist, pulling one swollen lip open. Pulling the rope across the front of her other hip, he managed to thread it between her legs, pulling the other lip open, before securing it around her waist.
    There was still plenty of rope, and he tied it around her upper body, circling her breasts and making them more prominent. He finished by securing her wrists to her sides. The expertise with which he executed her bondage told her Gianni had practiced rope-tying.
    Leah’s nipples were distended, her breasts swollen, and her clit throbbing. The whole procedure had been sensual foreplay. As she watched him tie her up, touching her most sensitive areas, she verged on climax before he had done anything but secure the rope.
    Gianni’s eyes grazed over her, making her tingle from that alone. He seemed pleased with his creation. The low light radiated around her just enough to make the tiny gems sparkle. She looked like a sexual work of art.
    With the lips of her sex held apart, she had no buffer, and the ambient air in the room pushed her close to the precipice. Leah licked her lips and tried to maintain some composure. But it was useless. Gianni was in control.
    He stood above her. “You look gorgeous.”
    Leah didn’t respond, knowing that what came next would be intense. Bound as she was, it had to be. With her watching, Gianni pulled off his pants and briefs in one motion, letting his cock spring free. He was huge and hard. The ritual of rope-tying had affected him, as it had her.
    She took the opportunity to drink in his hot body. His muscled chest and strong arms were hard to look away from. But she let her eyes drift down his washboard abs to his narrow waist. At the apex of his lean thighs was a patch of hair she longed to put her fingers in.
    His cock had veins bulging along the sides, and seeing the thick head, Leah thought of the times he had allowed her to put her mouth over it. And do much more. His balls were tight underneath, and the sight of his thick shaft gave her the overpowering urge to put her hand around him.
    But she couldn’t move.
    Gianni knelt between her legs at the end of the bench, and Leah shuddered. She knew that he expected her to hold on, but she wasn’t sure she could. With one finger he teased her nipples until they hurt. And it felt like there was a string between her nipples and her clit.
    Each time he touched a nipple, sensation went straight to the little pebble between her legs. She could only imagine how wet she was. Gianni seemed aware of her predicament, and stopped touching her just before she exploded.
    “That’s good, baby. You are being patient.”
    Leah tried to relax, but she wanted him to touch her clit more than anything. If only he would put pressure there and let her come. She needed the release, and needed it soon.
    “You’re not to come,” he said, and her heart fell. “I will bring you close, so close it hurts. But I will stop in time. Tell me

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