Midnight My Love
"Yes, that might be best," he said slowly. "We won't tell them I've
lost an arm, merely that I was wounded. When Felicia arrives, we
can break it to her gently. I'll be able to see how she accepts the
news. If she has any reservations, I'll release her from the
    Alex hugged him. "You'll do what you think
is best. Don't worry, Robert. I'm sure Lady Felicia loves you and
will accept you as you are."
    Robert smiled grimly. "I hope you're
    "Of course, I'm right. But of first
importance is to get you strong again. Are you hungry, love?"
    "I'm starving, to tell the truth," he
    "And he wants to be shaved!" Jenny said.
"Isn't that wonderful? I believe he'll be right as rain before we
know it."
    Alex smiled. "I'll summon your valet and he
can tend to you. Cook is waiting to prepare anything you like.
Perhaps we can make up the sofa in the drawing room, and you can
sit with us this evening. Staying in bed so long would make anyone
suffer the doldrums."
    "Maybe I will come downstairs for
a while," Robert said. "Just make sure Aunt Haygood doesn't ply me
with more tea. That yarrow she gave me this morning left much to be
desired. Although, she did say it would help stimulate my
    Alex's eyes twinkled. "I can't make any
promises, brother dear, but I'll do my best."
    Damien guided two footmen as they carefully
helped their master to the drawing room. A bed had been made on the
sofa, and the invalid was settled snugly. Damien watched Alexandra
as she tenderly adjusted the pillows and coverlet around her
    He knew she was still angry; she had treated
him coldly ever since the episode with Carlisle in the hall. She
certainly wasn't treating Sir Howard Carlisle coldly. For the past
several days, the man had been constantly underfoot, and Alexandra
had welcomed his presence with every evidence of warmth and
    Standing near the windows,
Damien followed her movements as she aimlessly wandered about the
room, picking up knickknacks and setting them down again. Miss
Sedgewicke settled herself near Robert and began reading aloud
Southey's latest poem, The Curse of
Kehama . Miss Haygood sat across from her
nephew, sorting embroidery threads, and Alexandra finally seated
herself at Robert's feet. Listening with half an ear, he wondered
if Alex would go to the observatory tonight. Would she allow him to
go with her?
    The tea tray came in at ten and Aunt Haygood
served. She handed the first cup to Robert. "Your favorite, my
dear--good strong Hyson. I believe the tea I brewed for you this
afternoon put the sparkle back in your eyes. There's nothing more
refreshing than balm leaves blended with lavender flowers."
    Robert accepted his cup with a tired smile.
"It certainly was a distinctive blend, Aunt. One way or another,
I'll soon be on my feet due to your bracing teas." He caught
Jenny's eye, and Damien detected a look of understanding pass
between them.
    Alexandra stirred her tea, waiting for it to
cool. "You'll be happy to know I sent that letter to Lord Thane
this afternoon. It shouldn't take long to hear from him. Hopefully,
he'll bring Felicia to Willowmede soon." She turned to include
Rochdale in the conversation. "I wrote to the earl and his daughter
inviting them for a visit, after Robert confessed he hadn't
informed them of his injury. I described the excellent fishing the
earl could enjoy here while his daughter renewed her acquaintance
with you, Robert. I expect that will bring them posthaste, since
the earl is an avid angler."
    Aunt Haygood sipped her tea. "I should think
Lady Felicia would arrive posthaste no matter what, once she heard
our dear Robert was wounded and come home."
    Alex nodded. "Of course. I only added the
bit about the fishing to ensure their arrival in good time. You
know what an indifferent traveler Lord Thane is."
    Aunt Haygood sniffed as she set her cup
down. "Indolent is a better word. Ever since his wife died, he's
been positively lethargic. I'll brew

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