Midnight My Love
him one of my special teas
while he's here. Put some life into him."
    Damien finished his tea and placed his cup
on the table. "Thane's phlegmatic tendencies are well-known by the
ton. I'm told the only thing that rouses him is if there's good
fishing to be had."
    Jenny took up the book again. "I'm sure the
earl will bring his daughter as soon as they know Robert's home,"
she said quietly.
    Alex gave her cup to Aunt Haygood and kissed
her cheek. "If you will excuse me, I'm going to the observatory.
I've neglected my work for over a sennight and really must get back
to it."
    Damien opened the door to allow her to pass.
"I'd like to help, if you wouldn't mind the company, Miss
Turlington." Would she refuse? He waited and watched as color rose
to her cheeks.
    "Certainly, Rochdale," she replied, then
lowered her voice to a murmur. "As long as you behave yourself, I
have no objections."
    Damien bowed to her in mock salute as he
closed the door on Aunt Haygood's admonishments about the
proprieties, which quickly turned to complaints about her
    The observatory was dark as they entered.
Alex lit the lamp. The solitary flame pushed the shadows away as it
cast its meager light around the room. Damien went over to the
telescope. Alex sat at the work table and took up her latest
    She glanced at Damien, who
was adjusting the telescope. "It looks like you've been busy,
Rochdale. These last entries are not by my hand."
    He smiled and Alex noticed his teeth were
white in his dark face. "I hope you don't mind. I took the liberty
of helping with your research. You see, I've been fascinated by
your hypothesis and couldn't wait to observe the George's orbit for
myself." Rochdale's eyes flickered with amusement as he seated
himself across from her. "Not many diversions to be had at
Willowmede late at night, my dear."
    Ignoring this sally, Alex bit her lip. "I
was worried I'd missed something of importance. Which I see I did,
if I'm interpreting this third entry correctly?"
    Rochdale leaned over the table to explain,
tracing the sketch with his finger. "By following this trajectory,
you can see the George is again being dragged from its standard
orbit. It's so gradual a shift it would be overlooked if you
weren't searching for it intentionally." He sat back in the chair
and studied her face. "Your hypothesis is extraordinary, my
    Alex shook her head.
"My father's hypothesis, Rochdale. Never forget, it is my father's
    "It may be your father's hypothesis," he
replied, "but I believe you have enough evidence from five years of
investigation to propose a theorem of your own. I think you should
consider writing a thesis and presenting it to the Royal
    Alex stared at him in
astonishment. "But I haven't proven anything. I haven't found
out what is
pulling the George out of its customary orbit. All I have is
evidence showing the planet follows an erratic course."
    Rochdale pointed to the
stack of journals. "You know you have more than enough material for
a thesis. Write a dissertation incorporating your research and
observations. Then you can propose your father's hypothesis: There
must be another planet or comet pulling the Georgium Sidus from its standard
    Alex appreciated his enthusiasm, but
protested. "Theses and dissertations are written by candidates up
for academic degrees. The Royal Society won't accept such a serious
hypothesis from a mere woman."
    "You're forgetting Caroline Herschel," he
reminded her. "Hasn't she made some important discoveries of her
own? Outside her assistance to her famous brother, I mean? I
thought Mr. Herschel said she had submitted several papers to the
Royal Society."
    "You've worked with Mr. Herschel?" Alex
    "No, I'm only an amateur astronomer--not
like your father, or you for that matter. Mr. Herschel was kind
enough to answer some of my questions by letter."
    Alex straightened the
stack of journals. "I seem to recall . . . yes, I remember now.

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